Friday, February 19, 2010

I’m Back from the Land of The Hibiscus!

I had an awesome time with my parents and the kids in Malaysia over the Chinese New Year and I have tons of photos to show you guys!! I probably would need to break it up into several CNY specials, so do watch out for it starting tomorrow! =)

We went to so many different places in the last few days: We went for several family gatherings, visited my dad’s hometown (a Hakka village!), went to the zoo and ate lots of good food!!! Some photos to whet your appetite!

We drove to Kuala Lumpur, so during the entire road trip, i had a great time snapping shots of the skies. It’s really beautiful! But Malaysia was at a record scorching heat of 38 degrees throughout my stay! I almost couldn’t stay on the streets for fear of heat stroke.


At our first family gatherings at a aunt’s place


One of the lunches I had.. it was a Japanese buffet… Super a lot of choices, & the biggest buffet line I’ve ever seen.


Throughout our stay in Malaysia, Baby Jayne was always entertained with little bits of this and that… bread, cucumber, carrots.. :)


Joey with her most favorite uncle during the trip. She adores him sooooo much that she’s always playing with him. When he’s not around, it’s the uncle behind. Heee..

At my dad’s hometown and here’s Joey peering into a well that’s right smack in the centre of the house!


Baby Jayne having a nostalgic moment in the wooden house.


We had a mini extravaganza in my aunt’s mini fruit plantation. There were pineapples, passion fruits, papayas, sugar canes… Joey’s holding a passion fruit!


Come back tomorrow!!!!!! =D

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