Monday, February 08, 2010

Multi-Tasking At Its Max

Taking care of 2 kids alone at home is one tough task.

Taking care of 1 very whiney kid and 1 very sick kid alone at home is one unthinkable task.

I still did it anyway. It was multi-taking at its max.

Baby Jayne spread her stomach virus to Joey, and Joey had been lethargic and running ridiculously high fever for 2 days. Paracetamol did nothing to bring the fever down, and I even had to use a suppository medication on one night when the fever went up to 39.5 degrees.

Thankfully, going by how it went for Baby Jayne, I kinda expected Joey’s fever to start toning down by the end of 2nd day, and it did. Yesterday evening, it started to drop to 37.5-38 degrees, which was a vast improvement.

There I was running from one kid to the other, attending to their needs. One moment, I would be taking temperature for Joey, sponging her with wet towels, then running to Baby Jayne to feed her some cereals titbits to keep her from whining, then I’ll run to the kitchen to cook some porridge for Joey, run back to one to feed her water and entertain the other with a toy, only to remember that I had forgotten to cook Baby Jayne’s porridge. How enjoyable.

I felt like an octopus who wished I had 16 tentacles.


Thankfully, the worst is over, and I can only pray that Joey’s temperature will continue to stabilize and her appetite will resume.

And actually I should already thank God that at least the kids were not both sick at the same time. That would have been horrendous.

Baby Jayne, on the other hand, had been very whiney & needy ever since she recovered, and that kept me very busy. She would whine the moment I put her down into a chair (but how can I keep carrying her 24 hours a day right?!), so I have to keep entertaining her.


But still…


She has the most adorable little face…


And a most mesmerizing smile.


How endearing.



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