Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Baby Jayne Is Growing Up!

But that’s only expected right? =D

It’s just that I cannot accept the fact that my little baby has become this big and will soon walk right out of my house to conquer the world. Oh well, maybe not that fast, but still.

Babies have a special kind of smell and you can’t get that kind of smell no matter what concoction you mix together. It’s a lovely scent made up of their body smell, milk and saliva. It’s like the most amazing smell of the world.

Of course you can’t expect the lovely smell to last forever. It basically dissipates by the time the baby hits 5 or 6 months, and all you are left with is the smell of sweat. +:+

Baby Jayne is 9 months old now and she’s growing up so fast that it’s making me depressed. I’m torn between wanting her to grow up faster so that I can regain back some of my freedom and wanting the growing to slow down so that I can enjoy every moment of babyhood.

She’s already at the stage where she’ll crawl towards something, hold on to it and pull herself up to standing position.


It’s a really cute stage because the moment you put her onto the floor, you can see that she has only one goal in her head – To crawl to somewhere and stand up! Very focused.


She’s not exactly walking along as she holds on yet, but that would be the next inevitable step. She would have to do that well before she will even take her first step unassisted. =) I can’t wait, such a critical milestone in her life!!!!


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