Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Sisters Are For Life


I envy my girls sometimes.

Because all I ever had was a little brother and I’ve always wanted a sister when I was growing up. Not that my brother was detestable, but I’ve always thought that having a sister meant we could buy pretty clothes and share, go shopping, gossip, do manicure together. You know, awesome girly stuffs.

So whenever I see how my girls ‘talk’ to each other and have fun playing together, I can’t help but go ‘awwwwwww’. It is such a sweet thing to have a sister! IT IS!!!!

I really shouldn’t be harping on this sisterly-sisterly thing between the girls, since I’ve also mentioned it n times in my blog before. You’re probably sick of hearing it. But I can’t help myself.

And why?? Because I didn’t have a sister myself! I am so deprived of sisterly love, can you see???

These were taken when Joey first saw her sister.


You know, I actually remember how it was like when I first saw my little brother. Interestingly, I had no memories of my mum being pregnant. I only remembered one scene where I was brought to the hospital by my dad, and I tiptoed to see a little baby sleeping in the cot, and I was told he was my little brother. =) It happened when I was 4 years old and although Joey had her experience when she was barely 3 years old, I was hoping she will have memories of it. This blog might help! =D


Just recently when I made a trip to Malaysia to visit my relatives during the Chinese New Year, I again witnessed how close my mum and her sister are. Throughout my growing-up years, my mum will always tell me how her sister took good care of her and always let her have the good food and good toys first. My aunt was a very selfless sister who loved her sister lots. My mum always acted like a little sister when she’s with her elder sister. It was weird for me to see my mum behaving like that, but it reinforces the notion that sisters are for life.

And I’m glad my girls have each other as companion for life. They will go through life’s ups and downs, sweetness and bitterness together, and have each other’s love and support forever. How sweet. =)

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