Monday, March 08, 2010

City Harvest Church New Building

This is such a wonderfully touching moment that I HAVE to blog it here even though it’s not related to my girls!

Finally, after year of praying and seeking, God has heard our cries. After going through 26 different plots of land, my church has gotten our land finally!

Through it all, some principles became crystal clear to me:

1) God answers prayers.

2) God does exceedingly above all that we can ever imagine or ask for.

3) When God gives, He gives THE BEST!

Quite frankly, there were many speculations about where our land is. Many people guessed that it could the Indoor Stadium, Marina South, Sports Hub etc. My own guess was one of those as well! Who would have guessed that God would give us a land that is RIGHT SMACK in the centre of town with lots of good food, shops, shopping, and a place that could house a 12000-seater auditorium?! If you have not heard it yet, City Harvest Church will be at SUNTEC CITY from March 2011 onwards and we are co-owners of Suntec City!

This is our land.

What makes it even more exciting is that this is going to the church where my girls grow up in!

I have no doubt that the Children Church area is going to be massive with lots of inflatables, play gyms, toy cars & bicycles, etc. I’m sure church will be such a fun and spiritual time for my girls! It’s so exciting! =D

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