Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Give Your Kids Personal Time

I cannot stress enough on this. It’s important to set aside personal time for each of your kids, and give them undivided attention during those times. It does a lot of good to their love tank. :)

Yesterday was my off day and since my MIL was at home, I decided to take Joey out with me for a swim. It’ll be a good chance to have some alone time with her. I totally enjoyed myself! Joey is such great and fun company!

She was so excited that Mummy’s bringing her swimming!



We waited quite long for our bus… We wanted to go Causeway Point to get a float for her first, and get a cup of bubble tea!


All changed and ready for her swim. Her last swim was very long ago! The float was what she held on to the entire time. If you’ve been following this blog, you’d know that Joey is rather fearful of water even though she enjoys swimming very much.


It took her 10 minutes to believe that she will not sink with the float. She held so tightly to it, and insisted that I hold on to the float as well. But after she realized that there was little chance she would fall into the water because of the float, she told me not to touch her anymore! =.=


Look, she was having so much fun in the training pool, which was 1 metre deep. She just floated around in the pool and I could see that her phobia of water was decreasing! =D



It was sooooooo tough to get her to leave the pool to bathe! She simply refused to budge! Thankfully, after we swam for an hour, it started raining! She only agreed to come out of the pool then!


I was glad we went for a swim together and had time to just chit chat with her. There is never one dull moment with Joey around. She will talk about the weather, the people around, the dogs and cats…  It was wonderful just spending time with her, and enjoying a fun swim with her. I know she enjoyed herself very much because when we reached home, she told me that she wants me to bring her swimming again and even gave me her favorite stickers to ‘thank’ me for the excursion. =P

While your kids still want to go out with you, do it. =) When they become teenagers, they might think going out with their friends is more cool. Haha… But I will endeavor to become a cool mum too, so that my kids love going out with me! =D

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