Wednesday, March 03, 2010

She’s Born Photogenic

Plus she kinda enjoys taking photos.

You know how hard it is to take good photographs of kids right? They fidget so much and are always on the move that usually only 50% of all shots taken can be used. I once shared 8 tips on how to take great photos of kids here.

Thankfully I am blessed with a baby who always seem to know that I am trying to take her photographs and is willing to cooperate 90% of the time. The result is that almost every photo I took looks good and I can show off show them to you here on this blog. :)

I think she is one very photogenic baby (but maybe I’m biased, I don’t know!). And a friend once commented before that she actually freezes in front of the camera for several seconds just for me to snap a clear shot. Oh well.

I’m now going to bombard you with tons of photos just to prove my point.



Gosh, she has such an angelic face that’s always smiling. Haha!






This is my favorite of the lot! Her expression is so funny! Eyebrows raised, mouth pursed. Haha!




Towards the end, she got so bored her leg came up on the table. Haha!



Oh man, I can overdose on her cuteness. =D

Too sad that I am still using an average digital camera and I often thought that with my skills *ah hem*, I would do so well with a professional SLR. If you feel you have money to spare, you are most welcome to bless me with one. =P

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