Monday, March 22, 2010

Pulai Springs Resort Special: Part I

We spent a good time at Pulai Spring Resort in Johor Bahru last Thursday to Saturday for a retreat. Pulai Springs Resort is situated about 30 mins’ drive from the Tuas Checkpoint and is a lovely nice golf resort.

While the adults were in their training sessions, the kids spent all their time playing. I stayed with the kids throughout the stay and although it was tiring taking care of the kids 24/7, I actually felt like I was on a holiday! =P It was a relaxing few days  and treasured time with my kids.

The resort is HUGE. The main building with the lobby and all is where the resort rooms are. It has got a restaurant and  swimming pool on the 2nd level. To get to the function rooms where the training sessions are held, we had to cross a very big open-air car park to where the clubhouse is. There is another huge swimming pool here, along with many other facilities including a kids’ room, which we spent a great deal of our time in. :)

The clubhouse pool is really pretty..


The clubhouse lobby.. This was where the tea breaks were held. It was basically a big playground for the kids. They played catching, hide-and-seek and lots of running here.


Erin & Erica! Sweet ladies they are!


Chasing each other is just part and parcel of their lives there..


Look at the children obediently sitting side-by-side watching cartoons together. =D The portable DVD player that Joey brought along came in very useful!


We reached the resort about 3pm in the afternoon, and when the day sessions ended, we went to a nearby shopping mall for dinner & shopping!

On the coach going to the shopping mall..


Dinner was at a Thai restaurant and the food was wonderful!!!



Look how excited my baby was! Haha!





Watermelon juice & Iced Teh Tarik!


Tom Yam soup – Super NICE!


We had a very happy dinner because the food was good. =) And of course, great fellowship with our dear friends!





The most relaxing time has got to be the time in the rooms after the kids slept. What I love about Pulai Springs Resort is the size of their rooms! Every room comes with a living area and kitchenette and separate rooms. We stayed in a one-bedroom, and there was a slide door to shut off the bedroom and the living area. After the kids slept, we just watched TV and ordered room service for supper!! It was bliss. =)

Well, this was not the room I stayed in, but because I didn’t manage to take photos of our room, this was taken off the internet. =P


Part II will be up tomorrow!