Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Friends Come & Blog Series: The Drama Queen

This is Part 3 & the Final Part of ‘My Friend Come & Blog’ series! I’m away in Malaysia for a retreat with my hubby and kids and will be back this weekend. While I’m away, I got my dear friends to be guest bloggers these few days. Have a blast reading their posts! I’ll be back on Monday with a brand new post.

From Joyce Tan, my bestest friend in the office!

Some of you may know that I got married recently.. & for my wedding, I really wanted Joey and Jayne to be my flower girls. Although eventually that did not happen… I want to tell you the 9 reasons why they have to be my flower girls:

1) They are super uber pretty girls

2) They have an ultra hiao mummy to dress them up

3) That mummy is my best friend

4) Their daddy kind of accepted the fact that I am his wife’s best friend and so have to take me as his good friend

5) Joey and I have a “love-hate” relationship. Although she used to hit me, but I understand that “骂是疼,打是爱”

6) Jayne smiles whenever she sees me and ONLY lets me carry… Muahahahaha…

7) I really love their mummy

8) I really adore the girls

9) I celebrated Joey’s past birthdays and Jayne’s full month celebrations.. so it’s only fair


(Mummy Kless: Towards the end, it really sounded like you’re running out of reasons… Haha! =P)