Friday, March 12, 2010

Women Are Born Good Communicators

The little baby in my house is beginning to show vivid signs that she’s going to take after her sister and become another… yes, you’ve guessed it – DRAMA QUEEN.

I can’t believe my good fortune – Both my girls take after me.

It might not be a bad thing afterall, because it means she’s becoming more and more aware of her surroundings and able to articulate what she feels and wants better now.


It used to be that I can count with one hand, the number of facial expressions she has. Now it’s become uncountable. She especially likes to squeeze her eyes so tight until they become one slit, and give the broadest smile ever along with it. It’s a ridiculously cute expression which I shall attempt to capture on camera one day to show you.


Motherhood usually gets more interesting at this point when baby starts communicating more. Their gestures and body language speak a lot more now than when they were infants. It’s actually fun to talk to them now because they seemed to know what we are trying to say. =D

There is also this ‘stone’ expression that she has which is incredibly adorable. Check out her pouted lips. =P


Now when she’s happy, she no longer just waves her hands and legs and giggle. She’s mastered the art of clapping and she does it ever so often now. =)

Now all I need to do is to train her to do triple somersaults while clapping her hands and sucking her toe so that I can bring her round the world performing to earn our keep.

Just kidding. :)

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