Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bringing Your Kids Overseas – The Survival Kit

Bringing kids on overseas trips can be very enjoyable or turn out to be a nightmare. And that most depends on how well-prepared you are for the trip. I’ve only brought my kids on 3 or 4 overseas trips before, so I’m no expert at this. But, so far the trips have been very fun and fuss-free, so I must have done something right! =D

I’ll be bringing my kids with me to Malaysia next week for a three-day leaders’ retreat, so I’m starting my packing again!

See, I’m so nice to share with you what I pack in my bags. =)


1. Necessities

1st and foremost, the kids’ necessities have to be brought, of course. If you have a baby like me, I have to make sure I brought along sufficient milk powder, diapers, pacifier, milk bottles etc.

Other necessities include the security blanket your kid sleeps with, small pillow or bolster that will help make their sleep experience in foreign land as comfortable as possible. Basically, you want to simulate a familiar setting for sleep-time, especially, so that both the kids and the adults get a good rest.

2. Toys

I cannot emphasize enough on this. If you think (wishfully) that your kid will sit still and stay put throughout your 3-hour coach ride or 5-hour plane ride, you’re heading for disappointments. Kids do not, I repeat, they do not sit still. In order to maintain your sanity and composure (not burst into vulgarities at your kid), you got to bring along things to entertain them.

Bring along several sets of toys and rotate them for your kids during the entire trip. The toys will occupy their attention and give them something to do during the travelling and in the hotel room when there’s nothing else to do.

3. Coloring Materials

I am a firm believer of coloring therapy. If your kids are old enough to do coloring, just bring along a thick coloring book and color pencils for them. It can be a great activity for you to do together with them. This is a fun thing to do either during traveling or when they reach the foreign land.

4. Food

Food is the most important thing to bring along. All kids love to eat. So, make sure you bring along lots of their favorite snacks, fruits, biscuits, cakes etc. When they’re eating, they’re usually not up to any mischief, which is good.

If you’re planning to cook for your kids, you will also have to bring along rice, vacuum-packed vegetables (can keep them in ice-boxes), dried ikan bilis or scallops, etc.

5. Inflatable bath tub

This is oh so important especially if you are not sure if your hotel room has a bath tub. If there’s only a standing shower head, your kids may not enjoy the bathing experience. Imagine you’re a kid and standing at 1 meter tall with this shower head forcefully splashing water at you from a high place. It’s quite scary, you know? Your kids can even have a mini pool party in the toilet.. It’s after all a holiday trip!

6. Kids Toilet Bowl Seat

This is not a must-have, but rather something nice to bring along. Your toddler will appreciate it beyond measure. They can do their business in comfort and not fear of dropping into the toilet bowl. =)

7. Portable DVD Player

This, again, is a luxury item and would be good if you can bring it along. I think this is the single most entertainment item for kids and you can bring along as many DVDs as you like as they are not heavy.

There you have it, in my opinion, this is my survival kit and I feel quite safe when I have all those things above with me. =) My luggage’s gonna be huge, but anything for a good trip with the kids!