Monday, April 19, 2010

The Vital Step Towards Walking

Baby Jayne has been standing up by holding on to things for quite a while now. But she only started cruising by pushing something around the house, about a few weeks ago. It’s really cute, and a sure sign that she will start walking real soon!!!

Check out this video I caught while she was cruising.. Note how she lost her temper towards the end when the chair got stuck and would not move forward. =P

Time zoomed by so quickly, and next month’s Baby Jayne’s 1st birthday! I was just remarking to my MIL the other day that time passed specially fast for Baby Jayne, it seems. For Joey, it felt quite long before she hit her 1st birthday, but for Baby Jayne, it was super fast! My kids grow up so fast! All the more, I must record down every moment of their lives here on this blog. =)

And of course, thank you for staying on this journey with me. :)