Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We’re On City News!

City News is one of my favorite media because many of their reports are very positive and give off happy vibes! :)

Last weekend, this blog was featured in their papers, along with other daddy & mummy bloggers! What an honor to be able to share the page with Best Daddy Blogger (2nd place), Edmund Tay and two of my fav mummy bloggers - Sandra Tan and Daphne Ling! =D

I really think such articles are so good and important. Daddy & Mummy bloggers should be profiled, I say. After all, childbearing and child-raising are major events in the lives of people! Blogging not only allows the blogger to air his/her thoughts and relieve the stress from taking care of kids, it also gives advice and tips to those others who need help. Daddies & Mummies also find support in each others’ blogs, knowing they are not the only ones facing a particular parenting issue. How awesome!

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And this is the portion that mentioned us… (And it HAD to be the entry on her gross mucus… –.-.. I hope it won’t deter people from coming back to read! kekeke..)

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Many people have asked me before, what is the motivation behind all my blogging efforts, and how I keep up with a new post everyday. Quite frankly, it’s not easy to be able to find something to blog about everyday, and even more difficult when my life gets busier and busier. I hardly have time for myself, and when the kids are asleep and I can settle down to do my own stuffs, I must still remember to blog for tomorrow’s entry. It does gets stressful sometimes, but I’ve found that it instills discipline in me in maintaining the blog, and I will not miss out on documenting my kids’ lives.

Blogging has made me a person who’s more aware of happenings around me. It’s become part of me to watch out for interesting things to blog about everyday, and because of that, I often get inspirations for topics to blog about when I watch my kids and what they do. The instinct is to take out my camera and shoot even though in the eyes of other people around me, it was just another play time or meal time. To me, it’s something worth exploring and talking about. =)

And of course, seeing my adorable kids everyday, I can’t help but thank God for them. They are so precious to me and they are truly the ones who inspire me to keep on blogging! They are the source of my daily entries! Plus, you can say I have some degree of exhibitionist in me – I want to show off how cute my kids are! =P


Blogging has also brought me experiences I might otherwise not have a chance to go through, and brought me to places I’ve never been, or met friends I’ve never met. The exposure that blogging has given me is priceless and it’s also opened up doors for me to touch the lives of some people. It’s just amazing, really. =)

Thank you to each and every one of you, who has been reading and supporting this blog. I love writing and blogging for you guys! =D