Saturday, April 03, 2010

When My Kids Grow Up

I’ve always been a more arty person than logical, if one can compare that way. I love the arts, music, design, dancing, architecture, drama and best of all, singing. In fact, in my growing-up years, I tried almost everything from singing to dancing, from playing guitar to playing piano and drums, from drawing portraits to doing graphic designing. I enjoyed my literature and Chinese lessons tremendously. I simply love the creative side of me.

Please excuse me as I put in random shots of my girls. I’m sure you don’t just want to read one page of words. =)


On the contrary, I pretty much suck at Mathematics and Science. Basically anything to do with logic, I cannot do. I hated studying those subjects by the way, and the only reason why I scored rather well for every one of those hated subjects was so that I could stop studying them altogether.


And so, recently when I indulged myself in one of those ‘day-dreaming’ session again, I started thinking to myself what I would like to do when my kids grow up and I’d have more free time on my hand. These are my top 3 choices:


I would love to do some vocal training definitely. I have a alright voice but I want to be able to sing much better for sure! I mean, you can argue that I can do all that now too, but I would really want to do all that when I no longer have a care in the world - That’s when my kids have grown up and have their own wonderful lives to lead.


And I want to go learn some cool street dancing! Hip Hop would be nice. I used to do tambourine dancing and Chinese dancing, but I decided those were too mild and gentle. I really want to try something funky!


Another thing I’d really love to do is to go travel round the world with my husband. You know when kids come into the picture, personal time with my husband becomes really rare. While the personal time we have now is good in quality, I crave for quantity too! I want to go back to pre-kids days when we would hang out all day long!

Of course, there’re also tons of other stuffs that I’d like to do like watch a movie, drink coffee and read magazines all day long, sleep as & when I want to, and go shopping to my heart’s content. But all that has to wait till I’m done with the most noble task ever entrusted into my hands this lifetime –



So that I can retire and do of all the above mentioned.

Not easy, you know. :)