Thursday, May 06, 2010

This Is What Motherhood Is About

Before I became  a mummy, I obviously didn’t know what it takes to be one.

I mean, I had a vague idea when I looked at my mum, but from my perspective then, I didn’t think my mum was having a hard time (because of me) of course. I had even naively thought that it’s better to be the mother than the child ‘cos the mother can scold and the child gets scolded.

I blame it on the TV. Every programme I watched growing up showed me all the cute and adorable sides of kids and babies, and created this false impression that kids are angelic and do nothing all day except giggle and laugh.

When I became a mum myself, I immediately realised that things were not as per what I expected. Not a bed of roses definitely. More like a basket of rats. Along with the pinkish cute little thing came many other important things in life. And since I am such a nice person, I am going to share with you what those important things are. Actually, it’s just about one BIG thing. Trust me, it’ll put you right into perspective. Now.

Important thing #1: Poo is NOT bad.

I cannot stress enough on this. A daily packet of fresh poo is a sign of good health and digestive system, so if my baby doesn’t produce that on a daily basis, I start to get worried. Sometimes the poo gets stuck inside for 2 days or more, and they come out all hard & d*mn smelly. It could also mean that my baby hasn’t drank enough water or juices. When that happens, I speed-walk my way to Carrefore to buy 3 big cartons of juice right away. A daily pack of fresh poo is  what I look forward to everyday.

Important thing #2: My baby’s poo is NEVER smelly. Other babies’ poo is ALWAYS smelly.

I don’t mean that my baby’s poo smells like strawberries of course. But if I cross my heart & speak the truth, I really think that my baby’s poo doesn’t smell as bad as other people’s kids’. How I came to that conclusion was once when I brought Baby Jayne to a baby’s room in a shopping centre. Inside that baby’s room were several other babies as well. Baby Jayne had poo-ed and I started to clear the poo and change her diaper. Just when I was done, another baby was brought in and the mother took off the diaper and started to clean her baby’s buttocks as well. It was then the SMELL overwhelmed me. I mean, they were both poo but can you imagine I almost passed out from the other baby’s poo smell??! Oh My God. You should have seen how I packed my bag and dashed out of the room at record speed.

Important thing #3: What goes in must come out.

Things started to get more and more interesting when you start experimenting with different foods for your baby. When my baby was on pure milk-only diet, the poo mostly came out in mustard colour. Some people said that babies give out green poo when they got a fright, but I don’t know if it’s true. But typically, the most common colours of babies’ poo are green or mustard. Pretty standard.

Things started to change when I added variety to her diet. The moment I start adding in cauliflowers, carrots, pumpkin into her porridge, the fun begins. Nowadays, her poo can range anything from yellowish to mustard to orangey to brown. Life is no longer dull and boring as you can see. When she eat carrots, you will literally ‘see’ them in the by-products. =)

I hope you are slightly inspired by my list of very important things that come along with the cute baby. I’m gonna make an abrupt ending now to this entry because I’m feeling a little sick in my stomach now after spending 5 minutes googling images of ‘baby poo’. The findings are scary! Don’t believe me, you can try it yourself. =X