Tuesday, November 26, 2013

RWS SEA Aquarium Ocean Dreams

Media Invite

It was probably the coolest staycation we’ve ever had. That night, we roamed the SEA Aquarium and fell asleep to fishes and manta rays swimming before our eyes. It was nothing short of magical.

We’ve visited the SEA Aquarium at RWS before, but it’s always during the daytime. Being there at night was certainly a unique experience on its own.  We were invited to try SEA Aquarium’s ‘Ocean Dreams’ experience, which is their overnight program that allows families to stay over to learn more about marine life and fun facts about the sea. The best part is of course the opportunity to stay overnight inside the SEA Aquarium, right in front of the Open Ocean Habitat, which by the way, is the largest viewing gallery of this sort in the world.

I didn’t know what to expect before going for the program. But having gone through it now, I can immediately think of 5 GOOD REASONS why this program is worth going for.


The last camp I’ve attended complete with ice-breakers and cheers should be at least  14-15 years ago. After we registered our attendance for Ocean Dreams, we were brought to a hall to meet our Team Captain and other team mates. We played simple ice-breakers to get to know each other and even devised a little cheer for our team – SEA JELLIES! Though it felt a little awkward at the beginning, it all became rather fun as the Captains and Camp Commandant were all very sporting and energetic!


Unlike the camps I used to attend where I have to attend where I had to rough it out, Ocean Dreams is a well-planned program with all the meals provided for that 2 day, 1 night camp, and you get to sleep in the comfortable air-conditioned hall at night. All you need to do is to go with an open mind to learn new information and fun facts about the ocean, and you will have a great time!

After the ice-breakers and short briefing, we set off for the first program of the evening to check out the Museum. Along the way, our Team Captain led us through little games to enforce the learning. Pretty interesting!

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Then it’s dinner time at The Fish Shack!  Complete meal with apple juice, mushroom soup, bento & fruit cup! By dinner time, the Aquarium was near to closing time, so we had a really nice and quiet dinner. Really nice!

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After dinner, we were brought to catch a 4D Typhoon show. Amazingly, without putting on 3D glasses, the whole show looked really 3D because it was a rounded screen and with the entire seating platform moving and shaking along with what’s happening in the show, and water splashing onto our faces and wind blowing hard at us, we felt like we were in the middle of a typhoon! This is a good show to catch if you are visiting the Aquarium (additional charges apply).


The SEA Aquarium closes to the public at 7pm. So after it’s closed, the Ocean Dreamers start exploring! That’s one of the best reasons in my opinion, why Ocean Dreams is worth the money paid. We were brought on a private tour in the aquarium, with explanations about the sea animals along the way. It was so informative and I learnt so much from the guided tour, as compared to touring on my own. It felt like we owned the whole aquarium – SO SHIOK!!!


And yes, so the kids had the touch-and-feel pool all to themselves too, without having to fight and squeeze with other visitors. We spent quite a fair bit of time here because it was such a rare chance. :)

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The kids asked many questions during the tour, which I thought was very good. That’s what makes the whole tour educational and informative. I also felt that I didn’t need to rush through viewing all the sea animals because we were the only ones there anyway!

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We were mesmerized by the beautiful and vibrant colors. :)


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After the tour through the aquarium, we collected our sleeping bags and blankets and headed to the Open Ocean Habitat to set up our sleeping area. It was my very first sleeping bag experience!!!!! Thankfully, the floors are carpeted, so there’s some form of cushion. :P Other than the floor being harder than my bed, everything else was great! And with such a view, I really have nothing to complain about. :)

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If you’ve been to SEA Aquarium, you might remember that at the Open Ocean Habitat, a soothing and mystical music is being played all the time. It’s such a wonderful feeling sitting in front of the viewing gallery, watching the fishes and manta rays, with the music playing in the background – Very calming. :)


Before lights out, we were served night snack of Milo and cookies for a sweet ending to a wonderful first day at Ocean Dreams. =)

I was worried that the kids would not sleep well, but they did thankfully! We woke up close to 7am the next morning, and again – the beautiful view in front of us was surreal. :)

After a quick wash-up, we were served a light morning snack before a quick visit to see the dolphins. They were so playful and cute! The dolphins have a huge habitat at SEA Aquarium, and we were all so glad to meet them early in the morning. Thereafter, we were brought back to the Open Ocean Habitat again because there was a surprise waiting for us.

All of a sudden, we spotted two divers swimming towards us and they held up a banner that says, “Good morning, Ocean Dreamers!” – Haha! That got everyone really excited, and we all went to take group photos with the lovely backdrop. :)

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“We are the Sea Jellies!”


And this was the big group photo of everyone who attended Ocean Dreams that weekend. :)


Before proceeding to the final part of Ocean Dreams, we went to have our breakfast inside Adventure Cove. Lovely American breakfast. And yes, there was coffee. :)



The final part of Ocean Dream was a visit to the Back Room, which is the place the manta rays are fed. This area is actually the top portion of the Open Ocean Habitat, where we spent the night at. As it was a restricted area, we were not allowed to take photographs. We witnessed how the staff fed the manta rays – Skills totally needed. Very interesting experience and something you would not be able to see unless you are on the Ocean Dreams program.


For families who are not planning to travel overseas for their vacations this year-end, this is certainly a program worth considering. Not only does it offer a unique learning experience, it is also a great way for the family to bond. At night, there are no televisions or laptops, so all you can do is to snuggle up in front of the Open Ocean Habitat and enjoy some quality family time together with a perfect view. Considering how expensive some local staycations are nowadays, this program is certainly value-for-money, in my opinion.

If you are interested to sign up for Ocean Dreams, do take note that the next available dates in December are:
6-7 Dec & 14-15 Dec 2013. [Time: 5pm - 11am (Following Day)]

Adult (13 – 59 years old) - Non-members $158 | Members* $138
Child (6 – 12 years old) - Non-members $138 | Members* $118
Senior (60 years old & above) - Non-members $138 | Members* $118
Family Package (2 Adults + 2 Children) - Non-members $548 | Members* $468

*Only applicable to S.E.A. Aquarium and Adventure Cove Waterpark Annual Pass holders as well as RWS Invites® members. RWS Invites members will enjoy 3% rebate on the purchase.

Price includes: Admission to S.E.A. Aquarium within the stipulated hours of the programme, dinner, evening snack, morning snack, breakfast and GST. Sleeping bags, blankets and towels will be provided to all participants.

Participants can purchase discounted tickets to Adventure Cove Waterpark if they wish to continue their visit in the park after the Ocean Dreams programme.

Reservation Period: Reservations must be confirmed two weeks prior to scheduled event.
Reservations: Call +65 6577 7515 or email
Website: http://www.rwsentosa.com/language/en-US/Homepage/Attractions/MarineLifePark/SEAAquarium/OceanDreams

Terms & Conditions:
▸ Minimum age of participation is 6 years old.
▸ Participants below 21 years old must be accompanied by at least one adult.
▸ Bookings for participation in S.E.A Aquarium Ocean Dreams (“Programme”) are to be made at least 2 weeks in advance with full payment.
▸ Other terms and conditions may apply.

P/S: Thanks to RWS for the invitation to be part of the Ocean Dreams program. Jayne is under-aged for the program but organisers kindly allowed her to follow us. No other monetary compensation is received, and all opinions and photographs are mine.