I always tell my friends that my kids may both be hyperactive and the cannot-sit-still type, they are very manageable when they are on their own. The problem only starts when the two are TOGETHER. It’s like you have powers combined and instead of 1 plus 1 = 2, you get 1 plus 1 = 100. Yes, we are talking about the power of unity here.
The duo really enjoy playing together. When we are at home, they spend most of their time playing toys or make-belief games. Of course, here and there, they may argue and quarrel, even cry and complain about each other, but generally, they make good playmates. I am totally cool with that of course. The only thing that gets to me is the NOISE LEVEL. It’s unbelievable how rowdy and noisy the two of them can be!
While I often do the nagging mama act - to get them to lower their volumes and not make so much noise that can drive anyone crazy, especially after a long day at work – I sometimes think to myself that I should feel glad that the girls have each other as companion, and that they enjoy playing together. That should be the best thing about having siblings – Growing up and experiencing lives together.
Becoming a mother taught me how to look at things from different perspectives. It is true that my kids make a crazy amount of noise when they are together and I hardly get any peace at home when the duo are together. But I don’t want to forget to be thankful for two healthy and very bubbly kids, who enjoy life laughing and playing together. When I focus on the positive aspects of a situation, it instantaneously brightens up the whole situation, and perhaps, just perhaps, I won’t be so bothered by the noise anymore. I really ought to be recognized for my superb problem-solving ability.
Now someone tell me where can I find good earplugs?