Monday, February 03, 2014

Friends Matter

I am still soaked in the festive season of the Lunar New Year, so I've initially got no post for today. But a casual chit-chat with Joey turned into a mini counseling session of some sort, so I guess it's blog material after all.

Looks like my little girl has friends issues all the time. Her best friend changes pretty frequently, and I often hear of her complaining to me how one friend will go around telling everyone NOT to be her friend. I find it hard to imagine sweet little 8-year-olds would do something so vicious but I guess perhaps, kids nowadays are different.

It got me thinking after a while when a 3rd or 4th such friend appeared in her life. You know how when we keep complaining that everyone is a problem in our lives and it turns out that we are actually that problem? I tried to bring across this profound concept to Joey but I am quite sure she couldn't understand it.

People who knows Joey knows she is bossy by nature. I would like to think of it as an overflooding maternal instinct. Because of that, she has had many problems when it comes to making friends. I feel for her, I really do. It must be really torturous to go to school and not have good friends by your side.

Our conclusion at the end of the conversation was that it is a phase she has to go through in life and I cannot help her. Even if she has to experience the loneliness from having no friends, she has to go through it and hopefully, it will spur her to become a better friend to others. Having said that, I am still worried and concerned. I really pray that God will send good friends alongside her soon - People who loves her for who she is, and help her become a better friend as well.

This kid-raising business gets more and more complicated day by day.