Friday, March 21, 2014

At The Hort Park

There are many places in Singapore that you visit without paying a single cent. One such place is the Hort Park. Yesterday we were on leave to spend time with the kids before the school holidays end, and we wandered to Hort Park – It’s every bit the way I remembered it to be – Peaceful, serene and spacious. On weekdays, the park is virtually empty and the pretty green landscape everywhere makes it a really nice place to stroll in.


The kids were so thrilled to see so many fishes and turtles in the lake at the entrance, and started feeding them with the fallen leaves. So easy to keep kids entertained. If I let them, they can stay here for hours!

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Love this reflection pool with lounge chairs for visitors to sit and relax, perhaps with a book in hand. I imagine it to be very therapeutic and relaxing during evenings when the sun is down.


We met a nice Caucasian with her baby, resting on the swing and the girls joined her.


Spotted a colorful container which is an activity room, probably during the weekends.

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And of course, the kids would never pass by a playground without going on it.

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The crops are all growing so well in the Hort Park. But of course, with the amount of sunlight we are getting recently, and with a team of dedicated and professional botanists to look after them, it’s not hard for the plants to flourish.

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The little cute details spotted everywhere in the park bring a smile to my face. :)

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The Hort Park is a really nice place to hang around at simply because it’s so spacious with abundance of greenery. Your spirits will totally be lifted up when you are there. Great that it’s absolutely free-of-charge. :)

It’s the weekend – HAVE A GOOD ONE!