Wednesday, May 14, 2014

“Mom, Meet Javier.”

It’s a rainy day where I live, and since I just came back from a wonderful staycation from Rasa Sentosa with tons of photos to edit before I can share my experience with you, today’s post shall be a lighthearted one (wait, did I just say ‘lighthearted’?).

You would think that dating woes will come much later but apparently not. Quite often, I’ve realised that kids have been bestowed upon us to wake us up to the harsh realities of life. Sometimes when everything seems alright, and I am just cruising along without much worries about the kids, I got this gut feeling that something interesting is brewing on the side. I wasn’t prepared for this, but yes, my daughter (the younger one called Jayne) introduced me to Javier, her boyfriend in Kindergarten One. His name is Javier, and I deliberately leave out his surname, just in case by some remote chance, his mom reads this blog.

Not too long ago, I still hear things that go like, ‘You may start dating when you reach University. Before that, no hanky panky.’ But kids nowadays are so mature. They start way, way earlier.

Of course, I am pretty sure this pair of young lovers are just innocent and happy hanging around with each other. To them, boyfriend and girlfriend simply means their favorite boy/girl in the class and they really like playing with them. Now, I’m not exactly sure that Javier feels the same way about Jayne, but the fact that he did not freak out and run away when introduced to me is a pretty good sign.

To Jayne, a good day in school means that Javier was her partner that school and they played together. I can see it on her face everyday when I pick her up from school. If she sulks, it was probably because Javier didn’t go to school that day, refused to play with her, or was partnered up with another girl in class. I’m not overly concerned though – this is all part and parcel of life that everybody has to go through. I have to say, it’s kinda funny when I see the things that I went through myself as an insecure kid happening to my kids. =P

It might be noteworthy to say that I observed that the husband’s eyebrow did a tiny twitch when he heard about Javier. I think this Daddy might have some insecure-Daddy-syndrome, and as the favorite saying goes, “This is merely the beginning.”


Well, in case you are thinking that such things only happened to Jayne and not Joey, well.. that’s for a blog post for another rainy day.