Thursday, May 07, 2015

Sponsored Video: Spend A Little, Share A Lot!

One of the earliest memories I have of Mother’s Day was when I asked my mum for $10 because I wanted to buy a pair of earrings for her as a gift. It didn’t seem weird to me then because I felt that it was very important to get presents for my mum on Mother’s Day and because I didn’t have any money, the only way was to ask my mum for it! Looking back now, my naivety makes me laugh of course. How amused my mum must have felt at that time! =P

Just a few days back, Joey asked me for extra pocket money because there was a stalk of plastic flower she wanted to buy from the school bookshop for me for Mother’s Day. I laughed – I am reaping now what I sowed many years back. I gave her the money nevertheless – It’s the thought and love that counts, isn’t it?

But really, we all know that it’s not the cost or price of the gift that matters. Mummies, especially, are just touched when our kids have us in their mind. When my kids draw or make me something to appreciate me, I feel happier than receiving a bought gift from them. It’s really the effort and thought that matters the most. Perhaps that’s why McDonald’s mother’s day 2015 video struck a cord in me. Showing love can be very simple – You don’t have to spend lots of money and you can share a lot of love and joy. :)

Disclaimer: This post has been sponsored by McDonald's, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.