Community Message
A few days ago, a very cute wooden crate arrived at my house. And I thought that the best way to show you what it is, is with a stop motion movie.
What an adorable rhino, isn’t it?! That’s Reynold the Rhino, by the way, and he has a solemn and very important message to share with all of us. He hopes to raise awareness and garner support for the cause of a wildlife conservation. Reynold represents the endangered rhino population in South Africa that must be protected. The truth that many of us may not know is that many rhinos are suffering from intense poaching in South Africa.
To me personally, bringing my kids to South Africa and enjoying the wildlife has always been a dream. However, for many reasons, there are many people out there who are doing activities that endanger and cause damage to the wildlife that should be protected and conserved instead. Thanks to Rhinos Without Borders, a joint initiative by andBeyond and Great Plains Conservation, more than 100 rhinos are in the process of being translocated by flight from South Africa to Botswana, where rhinos are protected from the poachers. Think of it as a modern day Noah’s ark for rhino genes! The initiative is done with the hope that the currently dismal state of rhino species can be stabilized and rhino numbers can be boosted. However, I’m sure you can imagine what a massive project it would be to translocate so many huge animals by flight – It costs a whooping US$50,000 to fly one rhino to safety.
Quotient TravelPlanner approached me recently to share about this initiative that they are helping to support. They have pledged to help at least one rhino, and we can all help them to make it happen. I thought about how this would be relevant to me, and it dawned upon me that wildlife conservation is not just one man or one organization’s responsibility. Every one of us has the duty to protect and conserve the world that we live in, and if we do not step in to play a small role, our future generations may not even have the chance to see rhinos anymore. Your kids and my kids may not have the chance to appreciate and enjoy wildlife like it used to be. And that would be such a pity. I shared about the initiative with Joey, and being a Science and animal lover, she looked disturbed when she heard that rhinos are being poached for profits. I guess every one, no matter how young or old, would agree that such behaviors should not be tolerated.
Want to know how you can help? From now till 17 August 2015, all you need to do is to participate in the contest organized by Quotient TravelPlanner, learn interesting information and answer questions relating to selected wild creatures. The best part is that by participating, you will stand a chance to win the grand prize of a trip for two to Africa, valued at US$10,000. The trip entails 3 nights at either the Phinda Forest Lodge or Phinda Mountain Lodge, and another 3 nights at The One and Only Hotel in Cape Town. For every participant in the contest, Quotient will be donating S$1 to Rhinos Without Borders! Participate in the contest here now. I’ve already joined!
Go ahead, play a part in rhino conservation. One person can truly make a difference. Thank you very much.
P/S: The translocation of rhinoceros is carried out by Rhinos Without Borders, a collaboration by andBeyond and Great Plains Conservation. For more information, please visit - See more at: