Friday, September 25, 2015

Five Fun Things To Do In Singapore During The Haze

I know. Everyone feels trapped all of a sudden. When the PSI hit more than 300 yesterday, it felt like a wake-up call for most Singaporeans that it’s no longer safe to linger outdoors. More and more people were donning on masks. It felt even more real when Primary & Secondary School students were informed that school is cancelled today due to the haze. Seriously, I can’t even recall the last time we did something like that (Have we ever??)! So, with the kids at home and the weekend ahead of us, where can we go that is “safe enough” and yet can entertain the bored kids? I went through a list of places in my mind a few days ago, and thought I’ll share it with you. Surely, we don’t have to stay glum and sorrowful just because the haze has hit us bad? Let’s turn a crisis into an opportunity to have fun!

1. Read & Play In The Libraries

And of course, the first on my list has got to be the national libraries! Singapore is awesome because of the many community libraries we have all over the island, and apart from the fact that there are so many educational and interesting books for all ages and gender, our libraries are well known for being kid friendly and extremely conducive for creative learning as well. Grab a book off the shelf and read yourself happy, or rent a couple of DVDs to watch in comfortable private cubicles. Primary school students can even complete your e-learning on the PCs there. In most libraries, there are also cafes so you don’t even need to step out into the haze-adous outdoors for your meals. My favorite national library is the one at Bugis, where there is a great area for kids (You can read about it here Stay there from the opening till the closing! Free air con, free books and free entertainment all day long! Ding ding! 

2. Check Out The Museums

Aren’t you glad that we have many interesting museums in Singapore? Of course, we cannot compare to European countries with years of history to show, but for a little country like ours with only that much history, our museums have done pretty well. Apart from the National Museum and Singapore Art Museum that most Singaporeans are more familiar with, why not take the time to visit the lesser known museums in Singapore? The Peranakan Museum, Mint Museum of Toys and Asian Civilizations Museums are also worth a visit, just to name a few. Not only will you be able to stay in the safety and comfort of air-conditioned spaces, you will also leave the place picking up new knowledge and interesting information. Isn’t that wonderful?

Photos taken when we still had blue skies.

3. Linger At Gardens By The Bay

I know there are lots of outdoor space at this place, but why not stay in the conservatories? The Cloud Forest and Flower Dome have some of the best-smelling air in Singapore at this point, and it would be nice to linger there for a bit of fresh air. Best of all, because of the Mid-autumn festival happening this weekend, you can admire the beautiful display of chrysanthemums with your family. I’m pretty sure that would lift your spirits up in the midst of this haze. Hopefully, if the haze clears up by this weekend, we can also enjoy the beautiful outdoor scenic displays put together by the folks at Gardens by the Bay.


4. Learn Something At The Science Centre

My whole family loves the Science Centre because there’s always something interesting and fun to see there. Since staying outdoors is hazardous now, why not stay in an air-conditioned space and get some learning done? Perhaps, one of the most apt exhibitions to check out now is the ‘Climate Challenge’ exhibition. Have you noticed how the weather seemed warmer when the haze hits us? Get some questions answered there at the exhibition, and turn this ‘crisis’ into an opportunity to learn something new. :)

Climate Machine
(Image: Science Centre Singapore)

5. Chill In The SEA Aquarium

One of the places I love to stay in is the SEA Aquarium at Resorts World Sentosa. It’s such a therapeutic and calming place, especially at the Open Ocean Habitat. I can stay there all day just staring at the fishes! For a brief moment, we can all forget about the haze that’s outside and just indulge in this peace and calmness.

IMG_2592IMG_2582 IMG_2603

So, stay indoors as much as possible everyone! And we’ll ride through this haze safely. Smile