Thursday, April 28, 2016

Cicaplast Baume B5 Works Wonders! (Promo Code & Giveaway)

Product Review

During my growing-up years, I was fortunate that I never really had any skin-related problems. But things changed radically after I became a mum and little children came into the picture. When I was introduced to Cicaplast Baume B5 by La Roche-Posay recently, I was told that it was a ‘miracle’ balm that it not only works well at repairing my skin, it works fast too! That suddenly brought me back to ten years ago when I first became a mum.

One of the things that really bothered me when I was taking care of my newborn baby then was the skin problems she had. From milk rash around her mouth and on her little cheeks to nappy rash that filled her entire bum in just one night, I was constantly finding ways to get rid of the rashes and make my baby feel better. As if motherhood was not stressful enough, having to deal with all the skin problems made it worse. But well, that’s motherhood ya?

Even when my kids are a little more grown up now, skin problems are never far from my household. There are days when they come home from school with grazes and cuts on their arms and legs, or even a day out at the beach may easily get them several mosquito bites.  Because of that, I always need to have good medication at home to help relieve itches, sooth the irritations and speed up healing of wounds on the skin. The last thing I want is for my kids to be so affected that they cannot rest well at night - That just means I won’t get any sleep either!

Cicaplast Baume B5 is a cream suitable for adults, children and even infants, and it helps to soothe and repair irritated skin very quickly. That means that it  would be effective on skin problems ranging from nappy rash & redness in infants to eczema and dry skin in adults. To be frank, there are many similar creams in the market that can soothe and repair skin problems as well, but I was curious to find out if Cicaplast Baume B5 was really able to do it quick enough. Most of the other products I’ve used so far may be effective but takes several days for the results to be obvious. Or my kids cannot stand how ‘minty’ and ‘hot’ they feel on the skin.


Well, I didn’t have to wait long to test the Cicaplast Baume B5 at all. The moment I reached home, Jayne came to me with a sullen face, “Mummy, I got bitten by a mosquito and do you know where it bit me???????!” and proceeded to show me her chest. The bite was right in the centre of her chest and it was all red with obvious fingernail scratch marks around it. Obviously, somebody couldn’t stand the itch and had been scratching non-stop while waiting for me to get home. I had to stop myself from laughing because Jayne looked extremely annoyed that of all places, the mosquito had chosen to bite her chest! =P


“Oh, that looks really bad! It must be really itchy huh?” – Well, a mummy’s got to be compassionate and caring, right?
“But don’t worry, I’ve got just the right thing that you need!”

Five minutes after I applied a thin layer of Cicaplast Baume B5 on the mosquito bite, Jayne said that it was less itchy and looked happier immediately. =P Anything that stops itch fast is a lifesaver for parents because children have very little restraint when it comes to scratching an itch, which always makes it worse. Visually, I could also see that the redness has started to go down.

The next morning, the bite looked like this:


The redness and swell had subsided substantially from the previous night and she was obviously not scratching it anymore. I was pretty amazed at the result just after one application of the Cicaplast Baume B5! We continued to apply the balm twice that day and by the next day, the bite (and scratch marks!) was almost all healed as you can see below. Smile


The Cicaplast Baume B5 contains La Roche-Posay thermal spring water (and if you would like to read more about the effectiveness of this spring water, you can click here), and has a minimalist formula where ingredient and preservative numbers and quantities were limited to strictly necessary so that it is effective, yet suitable for use even on infants. It is fragrance-free and hypoallergenic, and is light when applied on the skin. I absolutely dislike greasy or sticky feeling when I apply anything on my skin, but the Cicaplast Baume B5 does not give me that feeling at all. Best of all, it leaves a protective film on the skin after application, without any white streaks.

Apart from bites, Cicaplast Baume B5 works effectively on eczema and skin irritation on infants and children as well, as mentioned earlier on. I guess the best part of it is that it not only is effective, it works very fast as well. I have friends who struggle with eczema on a daily basis and they always tell me that the irritation does not go away so easily. Cicaplast Baume B5 solves that problem!


If you head over to any of the following stores* to purchase the Cicaplast Baume B5 and tell them the promo code generated by clicking on this link: Generate Code, you can redeem a free gift worth up to $15! Online purchase is also available if that’s what you prefer. :)
* Participating stores: Watsons (Ngee Ann City, Toa Payoh, Bugis), Guardian (Paragon, Vivocity, NEX) & Dermacenter @ Westgate.

Cicaplast Baume B5 is priced at $21.90 for 40ml and $45 for 100ml.

And that’s not all! After you’ve purchased a Cicaplast Baume B5, show the effective results on your skin by posting a photo (on Instagram) by hashtagging #repairmyskin and tagging @LRPsg to win a La Roche-Posay hamper worth $200! Repair your skin and win yourself awesome prizes – How awesome!


One of the things I was really impressed about when I received notification of this challenge is how confident La Roche-Posay is of their product. Courtesy of them, I have five Cicaplast Baume B5 to give away to five readers. If you or your kids have any skin irritation or problems, I WANT YOU! You will be given a Cicaplast Baume B5 absolutely free of charge. All you need to do is to apply it daily and share with me the results! If you are up to this challenge, please leave me a comment on this post or on my Facebook post with your name, email address, and a brief description of the skin irritation or problem you want to deal with. Or you can also choose to email or PM me at or PM: if you are shy to share in public.
Closing date for submission of entries: 3 May 2016.


Come on– I’m waiting for your entries!! =)