Product Review
With better knowledge about the importance of healthy living, clean eating has been getting really popular nowadays. I’ve been thinking about trying juice cleansing for the longest time but just didn’t get to it. So, when Antidote approached me to review their cold-pressed juices, I immediately jumped at the chance. I’ve never done any sort of cleansing or detox before, and I thought after 38 years of (ahem) not-so-healthy eating habits, I would definitely benefit from a juice detox. Turned out to be one of the best things I’ve done in recent years!
The juices were delivered to my house (3-day supply first as the juices can only be kept fresh for 3 days). Their new FreshStart Programmes (Beginner, Intermediate, Advance) allows you to detox at a pace you are comfortable with, and you can opt to do either 1, 3 or 5 days of detox. How juice detox works is during the period of cleansing, the digestive system is given a rest, thus enabling it to go into detox mode naturally while flooding it with vitamins and minerals that it needs to thrive. Our cells will thus focus on repairing other cells, tissues and organs, and eliminating foreign toxins and the natural metabolic wastes our body produces by itself.
The folks at Antidote had labeled the juices so that it’s easy to differentiate them. The colors make them look so welcoming already! :)
I’ve got to admit that I had many misconceptions about cold-pressed juice detox before I tried Antidote’s program. If you’ve never tried cold-pressed juice detox before, I am sure you can identify with me:
Misconception #1: “The juices must taste horrible!”
I was not really a big fan of fruits, much less vegetables in juice form. I could not even imagine how spinach or kale would taste in juice form. Must be super bitter, I thought! Surprisingly, my first sip of cold-pressed juice totally smashed this misconception - Instead of tasting horrible, the juice was refreshing, sweet and very appetizing. I thoroughly enjoyed my first bottle of cold-pressed juice from Antidote and was already looking forward to my second bottle!
Misconception #2: “It’s impossible to feel full on juices alone!”
I’ve never done a juice detox before, so it was very daunting to know that I was to survive on 5 bottles of juices and 1 bottle of nut milk every day for 5 full days. Surprisingly, the juices did fill me up pretty well, but I’ve got to admit that I did eat in between my juices, not because I was hungry, but because I wanted to chew on and bite something solid rather than just drinking juices all day long. I ate greatly-reduced portions during those five days because I was too full on juices to eat full meals anyway. Mind you, every bottle contains 1kg worth of organic fruits and vegetables that contains vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that aids in nourishment and detoxification.
Misconception #3: “I may end up having diarrhea all day long!”
Well, at least that didn’t happen to me. I visited the toilet regularly during those five days but I didn’t have diarrhea for sure. I had to pee a lot more often than usual, as expected because of the large quantity of fluids I have to take, but hey, that’s all part of the detox process!
I guess that’s what everybody is interested to know, right? There were 5 benefits I observed from my detox:
1. I Felt Energized The Whole Day
Usually by the end of a very long work day (On Tuesdays, I work till 11pm), I would feel energy-less and lethargic, and all I want to do is to fall onto my bed and sleep. But during the five days I was on the juice detox, it was obvious that my energy levels were much higher. I felt alert throughout the day and I felt happier generally. When my energy levels are high, I was more efficient at my work and that made me really happy. It was pretty amazing because all I had was juices and small bites, but it kept my energy levels up the entire day. The raw nutrients and enzymes in juices helped to increase my energy levels.
2. I Felt Mentally More Charged-Up
Closed related to the first point, even when I had to face several situations at work all at the same time, I was able to concentrate and focus better at my multiple tasks and get everything sorted out well. Flushing out the toxins from my nervous system helped me to stay focused and sharper.
3. My Skin Was More Radiant
I’ve always had the problem of big pores on my face, but during the week of detox (and even the week after that), my complexion got evidently better. My skin was radiant and I’ve never felt more confident in a very long time! The truth is, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants found in abundance in juices will give you a glowing complexion by nourishing and repairing your cells.
4. I Had Smaller Appetite After That
It was as if my body had gotten used to having clean stuffs inside of me. The days after my detox programme, I realised that I was eating lesser and I also became more conscious of the amount of unhealthy ingredients in the food I ate – such as oil, salt, sugar, etc. Being on a juice detox programme made me more aware of my food choices and how I should consciously cut down on the unhealthy components.
5. I Lost 2kg!
This was surprise, surprise! I did not set out on juice detox because I wanted to lose weight but I did anyway! Bearing in mind that I did not completely fast from solids while I was on the programme, I thought this was very amazing indeed! If I try juice cleansing again, I’ll endeavor to go on a full juice-only detox and see how much more I can lose! Thankfully, the weight did not rebound back even a week after the detox programme ended. As long as I keep to clean eating, I believe the weight loss is here to stay. =P
Thank you, Antidote, for making it possible for me to complete my first ever juice detox, and making it such an enjoyable experience! If you would like to find out more about their cold-pressed juices or if you would like to purchase your juices online, please hop on to There are different packs and programmes for you to choose from, and you can also read more about what every bottle of juice contains. :)
If you're interested in losing weight, a slight change in your diet with an air fryer could make a difference! Or if you like a simple machine, check out the OSIM Ushape.
If you're interested in losing weight, a slight change in your diet with an air fryer could make a difference! Or if you like a simple machine, check out the OSIM Ushape.
a Rafflecopter giveawayGIVEAWAY!The folks from Antidote will be giving away a one-day juice detox package (6 bottles worth $89) to 3 readers of The J Babies! If you have always wanted to try juice detox, or have been wondering about the benefits of it, this is your perfect chance to do so! Participate via Rafflecopter to qualify:
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