Friday, October 28, 2016

Xepa Cares With Allergy & Haze Kit (Review & Giveaway!)


We cannot deny the detrimental effects on our health and lifestyle whenever haze hits us. While I used to be relatively unaffected by the heavy stench of smoke smell hovering in the air previously, the most recent haze incident hit me quite badly. My  eyes started tearing up uncontrollably and I had difficulty breathing if I was outdoors for a prolonged period of time. My kids complained that their throats felt dry and painful and of course, the smell of smoke was perpetually there and we could not even open the windows and doors in our house. There were many friends around me who were hit even more badly because of their medical history of allergies. Thankfully, the haze has left us for now, but as always, we cannot predict when it will hit us again. The best policy is definitely to be always prepared, so that when it really hits us, we are well-protected.


Recently, Xepa sent over an exclusively assembled Allergy & Haze Kit to help us cope with the effects of haze, should it hit us again. The Allergy & Haze Kit contains the following items:


1. Allergy & Haze Handbook
2. Disposable Face Masks
3. Euderm Cream (To replenish moisture to dry, scaly and itchy skin condition and relieve infantile & allergic eczemas)
4. Rinz eye drops (To sooth irritated & tired eyes)
5. Tissue pack (To wipe off surface dust and pollutants)

Of course, if you are feeling really uncomfortable because of the haze, it is best to seek medical help from healthcare professionals such as the doctors or pharmacists. Very often, anti-histamine medications such as Adezio may be prescribed by them to help cope with the allergy reactions. But it is just as important for us to have supplies like those assembled by Xepa, so that we are not helpful when the haze suddenly hits us. Many people do not realize that just a few items like that can help make lives a lot easier.

So, when the haze hits us, what are some of the things we can do to protect ourselves and our loved ones? Here’s sharing 5 useful tips that you may find useful:

Tip #1: Drink lots of water!

Image result for glass of water

Water can flush out the haze pollutants (allergens) from our body, which are responsible for triggering allergic rhinitis and affects the respiratory tract, skin and/or eyes. If we do not try to flush out the haze pollutants quickly, we can end up with runny nose, watery eyes and rashes!

Tip #2: Wear A Good Mask!


Wearing masks is not enough when the haze hits – You need to wear a good grade mask that can block away the pollutants.

Tip #3: Purify Your Air!

Image result for green plants pot

If you have an air purifier at home, it will have to work extra hard when the haze hits. And if you do not have one currently, it might be good to invest in one now – We can always do with purer air, no? Otherwise, grow lots of green plants and let nature do its work! Of course, important to avoid outdoor activities as much as possible, and stay indoors instead.

Tip #4: Shower & Change Often!

Image result for shower

Allergens stay on our skin and hair, so it is good to shower and change out of our clothes more frequently during the haze season.

Tip #5: Rinse Eyes & Moisturize Your Skin!


Eyes are usually one of the first to be affected during haze, because they are one of the most delicate parts of our body. It is important to rinse our eyes quickly whenever  we feel a little irritation so that it doesn’t get aggravated further.

So, let’s not be complacent and only start making preparations when we hear of the haze or when we actually start smelling them in the air. Be prepared with the necessary supplies at home, so that you can minimize the damage and inconveniences caused by haze. It’s that easy to protect our loved ones and ourselves from the harsh effects of haze!


To help you kick start this journey, I have one set of Allergy & Haze Kit to give away to one reader, courtesy of Xepa. This is an exclusive kit that is not sold anywhere else, so this is the only way to own one! The kit comes with everything you see here in the photo. Participate via Rafflecopter!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is a paid advertorial, but all opinions and photographs are ours, unless otherwise specified.