Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Movie Review: Underworld–Blood Wars

Media Invite

I seldom watch movies in the cinema. I probably watched the most as a kid with my parents and during my courtship days with the then-boyfriend-now-husband, but after the kids came along, I could count with one hand how many times I step into the cinema in a year. I enjoy movies, but they are not exactly my idea of a perfect entertainment. I’d rather walk in the park or sip coffee in a cafe, if you know what I mean. But there is a genre of movies that I particularly enjoy – Think Harry Potter and Twilight series. =P

Image result for underworld blood wars

So, the other day I had the chance to catch a media preview of “Underworld – Blood Wars” with the husband and I thought since we were free that evening anyway, why not? A few hours before the movie, the husband went to research on what the movie is all about and realized that it is actually movie #5 in the series of “Underworld”, which is a series on Vampires and Lycans (werewolves). We were undecided if we should still go for it because we would likely be very lost since we didn’t watch the first four movies. Thank God we went for it anyway - It was an awesome movie!

OK I admit it – There are many bloody scenes in the movie, but that’s only expected for vampire movies, isn’t it? Friends told us that the rise in popularity of vampire movies in recent years is attributed to the success of the Underworld series, and I am not surprised! Throughout the movie, although there were certain parts I couldn’t quite understand because they made reference to previous parts in the series, I absolutely enjoyed myself. The fighting scenes between the Vampires and Lycans were impressive and I was especially amazed by how realistic the animation was when the Lycans transformed! I was also impacted by the touching scenes of love, courage and faith shown by the main character – Selene. As a mother, I identified with her innate need to protect her child from the evil forces.

If you are like me – new to the Underworld series – still go for this movie! The husband and I were not disappointed at all. In fact, the husband marathon-ed the first four movies in the series after we got home, and told me the entire history, background and how everything led to the 5th movie. Now, I can’t wait for movie #6 to come out!! =D I think this is a great movie for a date night with your husband or just a relaxing outing with your friends. I would not bring my kids to the movie though, because of the many bloody and killing scenes.

Alright – One final reason for you to catch Underworld: Blood Wars –>

Image result for underworld blood wars

Underworld – Blood Wars is now showing in all major cinemas island-wide.