Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N Exhibition

Media Invite

I love an interactive exhibition!

The Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N Exhibition that has just premiered at the Singapore Science Centre is one such exhibition, and my kids and I had so much fun there last weekend! The amazing thing is that from someone who knows nothing about Marvel’s, I now know quite a lot about the different characters, how they came about, their history and background, as well as their different powers! LOL. That’s the amazing thing about a great exhibition – You leave the place with new knowledge and information you didn’t have before!

Now, this is why the exhibition is so interactive – You embark on the exhibition by connecting to complimentary wifi connection provided at the venue and downloading an app that will bring you through the entire exhibition by answering simple questions based on the information presented at the exhibition. In the process of searching for the answers, you read through all the exhibition panels, wow at the interesting costumes of the various characters and share a little laughter about the background and history of how the various characters came about. Pretty interesting, I must say! If you don’t have a mobile device, not to worry too – IPODs are available on site for you to use as well.

I first entered the exhibition as a recruit, but I got promoted as I went along. How clever! Kids are generally thrilled and intrigued by such things, and my kids were indeed so!


The mood was set right at the Briefing Room where the ‘recruits’ were briefed on the mission and what awaited for us. So cool, I must say!


The exhibition spans a vast 2,000 square metres with original props, costumes, holograms and interactive activity stations featured throughout the exhibition. There were many fun photo points as well, as you will see in the rest of the blog post. As always, I shall not reveal too much so that you can discover your own thrills when you visit the exhibition with your family. If you or your family members are Marvel fans, this is one exhibition not to be missed! Now, for a glimpse into the exhibition – Enjoy! :)

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The final mission at the end of the exhibition was to join forces and eliminate the enemy together. Of course, we got the victory and became Avengers’ Agents! =P


Marvel’s Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N Exhibition
Date: Now to 5 March 2017
Venue: Science Centre Singapore, Annex Hall
Time: 10am – 6pm
Prices: Adult- S$30, Singaporean & PR Adult – S$25, Child, aged 3-12yo) – S$18
(Note: Tickets to the exhibition exclude admission to the Science Centre Singapore.
However, visitors are not required to top up SCS admission fee to visit the exhibition)
For more information: http://science.edu.sg/exhibitions/pages/avengersstation.aspx