Thursday, January 30, 2020

Sudio Fem Wireless Earphones (Review & Giveaway!)

It's an open secret that I am a big fan of Sudio earphones. I've used their different models through the years and my current pair of Sudio Tolv is my most favorite one to-date. So, when Sudio contacted me to review their latest model - Sudio Fem, I said 'Yes!' without any hesitation! It was perfect too that my husband was looking around for a new pair of wireless earphones, so I roped him in to do the review this time round, since my Sudio Tolv is still working perfectly for me. :)

There are so many reasons why I love Sudio earphones and why you should totally order a pair for yourself, if you have not done so (I don't know what are you waiting for, though), so just a quick run-through of our user experience so far:

Sleek & Snug

As always, the delivery was fast and this beautiful and sleek box arrived in my house within a few days. I always love unboxing Sudio products - So sleek and pretty, I cannot! I love how everything has a compartment of its own and everything's tucked neatly together. Sudio makes for a perfect gift - The receiver will be so delighted!

The Sudio Fem is available in white, black, pink and blue and seriously, every colour is nice so in the end, I just went for the most classic and timeless black. The Sudio Fem looks pretty similar to my Tolv except that it comes with slightly longish body. The husband loves how snug the earphones fit into his ears and that's saying a lot because he has tried many other brands before and some just don't fit nicely and would fall out easily.

Superior Sound Quality

The sound quality is incomparable - The Sudio Fem comes fitted with 4 environmental noise-canceling microphones, is sweat and rain-proof and weighs just 5.5g per earbud. I watch Korean dramas while travelling on public transport and the sound-canceling feature is perfect for me. In fact, I look forward to catching up on my entertainment experience on-the-go everyday!

Long Play Time & Charging On-The-Go

I've been most impressed with the long play time that Sudio products give. The Sudio Fem provides a total of 20 hours of playtime or 6 hours on each full charge! That means you can literally enjoy your music experience without having to charge them so often! Charging is not even that difficult to begin with. Every pair of Sudio Fem comes with a carrying case, which is also the portable charging port - Just return the earbuds to the case for charging after listening for a period of time, and you get fully-charged earphones on-the-go! That is probably the top reason why I have been using Sudio earphones all these years and will continue to do so. I love hassle-free products because I am such a scatterbrain that I would leave the house with gadgets that I had forgotten to charge. I hope some of you reading this can relate. =X

Free Worldwide Delivery & 
18-Month International Warranty

Yes, you read that right. 'Nuff said. =D

Discount Code

The J Babies' readers will receive a special 15% discount when you quote KLESSFEM upon checkout. 

CNY Promo

Now, if you are thinking of making your purchase soon, don't procrastinate anymore because Sudio is currently running their CNY promotion! From now till 14 Feb 2020, order your earphones from and get a free special edition CNY gift packaging and crossbody pouch! Plus, buy any 2 earphones and get 25% off  (15% from code + additional 10%)!


Sudio has kindly sponsored a pair of Sudio Fem (Worth S$219) to be given away to one reader of The J Babies! Follow the steps in the Rafflecopter and participate now! Giveaway ends on 6 Feb 2359hrs. :)