Thursday, February 13, 2020

Paul Immigrations Reviews: Apply for Singapore PR Effortlessly

Many of you might not know, but I was not born a Singaporean. I was born in Malaysia and moved to Singapore when I was three years old. I received my citizenship after holding a Permanent Resident (PR) status for many years, together with the rest of my family. Among my non-Singaporean friends, there are some who have not received their PR status after many failed attempts and others who received it after trying for many years. Because of that, I have always had the impression that this PR journey is tedious and difficult, but when I recently got to hear about Paul Immigrations and the services they offer, I was pleasantly surprised that such services exist! If I had known this earlier, I would have recommended them to my friends!

Paul Immigrations is an immigration consultancy firm based in Singapore and because they specialize in helping people apply to be PRs here, they have managed to maintain a high success rate over the years. You will be happy to know that their mission is to be trusted professionals who can help you achieve your dreams in the Lion City. Becoming a Singapore PR is the first step towards obtaining the Singapore citizenship for many people because the citizenship comes with all the wonderful benefits for education, housing, retirement, etc. For a consultancy to be so committed to this cause, you can be assured that you will be making a worthwhile investment.

Now, you may be wondering how they can help you in your PR journey and whether it is necessary to engage their services at all. After reading through their company profile and the value-added services that they provide, my personal feel is that it will certainly make a big difference. The entire process will be made smoother and easier, with lesser heartaches and headaches. Best of all, it will greatly raise your success rate effortlessly (which is the end result that everyone wants). With professional assessment done on your success rate before you decide whether to embark on this journey, you can also avoid unrealistic expectations.

What this consultancy does is to help simplify the entire application process by offering key insights which of course, came out of their many years of experience in this field. This is extremely crucial because the whole process is very tedious and complicated, especially for those of us who may not be as meticulous and detailed by nature. They also help you to organize all your necessary documents for submission via the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority’s (ICA) online portal so that nothing is missed out. With professionals helping you for the process, it becomes totally stress-free and also prevents unfortunate scenarios of your submission being rejected due to incomplete documentation. I think that's pretty awesome!

On top of that, they will also prepare additional documents detailing your qualities and contributions, including a letter of recommendation from your employer, which will set you above the rest of the applicants. With a professionally-drafted cover page for your application as well, it will help to increase your success rate. They are the people who know what works best. Among thousands of applications every year, you want to be confident that yours will stand out from the rest, am I right?

The process they undertake is structured and straightforward. A sales representative will contact you over the phone to assess your PR application eligibility. Thereafter, a profile assessment will be done involving your age, length of stay, salary etc. Once all these basic information has been ascertained, you will be invited for an in-person appointment and you will be briefed on your chances of obtaining a Singapore PR based on your profile. Thereafter, you can decide if you wish to engage their services to assist in your application. Should you decide to engage their services, you will be required to submit all the necessary documents as advised. That's just about all that you would need to do in preparation for your PR application because the consultancy will take over from there to furnish the rest of the paperwork. They can also guide you through the final step when you are ready to submit the application online through a one-on-one appointment. Typically, it takes 4 to 6 months for ICA to assess each PR application. Depending on the outcome of the application, the consultancy will advise on the next best course of action to take.

If you are wondering whether you should engage their services, let me outline a few benefits of you doing so:

Case-Specific Advice

The consultants will be able to study your case and give relevant advice on how to increase your chances of becoming a PR. This will help you to obtain your PR status in the shortest time possible.

Less Time Wastage

Trying to figure out complicated procedures and documentation requirements on your own can be a headache. Getting the professionals to handle that part for you will save you time and unnecessary frustrations. You can then focus your time and energy on other important matters in life.

Personalized Cover Letter

The professional writers will interview you and draft your personalized cover letter based on your background, so that the officers assessing your case will understand you better as a candidate. Again, all for the sake of the best possible outcome.

Paul Immigrations Reviews

Reading through the various reviews given by past clients, I can tell that the services provided by the company are prompt, professional and reliable. Such honest feedback and reviews are useful and give a clear indication of the quality of service provided by them. In fact, they have served more than 15,000 clients so far! That alone speaks volumes.

With such a structured process in place, you can be assured that proper guidance is provided every step of the way to your PR status. Not only will you be able to avoid the hassle of handling everything yourself, you also save on time spent trying to figure out everything on your own. If you are considering applying for the Singapore PR, I suggest you check out Paul Immigrations right away. It will be your best decision yet. :)

Paul Immigrations Pte Ltd
Address: Suntec Tower Two, 9 Temasek Boulevard #13-01/02/03, Singapore 038989
Tel: 6206 6390
(By appointment only)