Friday, July 17, 2020

Lobster Nasi Lemak with unlimited side dishes at Conrad Centennial Singapore (Media Tasting)

I love the buffet offerings at Oscar's cafe at Conrad Centennial Singapore because every dining experience is a delight. The spread is always extensive and abundant, with so many choices you most likely would not be able to cover every dish on the buffet line. And there are the desserts - Can I say how amazing their desserts are??

When Singapore entered into Phase 2 after the Circuit Breaker and dining-in was allowed in groups of five, that was the first place I headed to with my husband and we had a great evening savoring their Lobster Nasi Lemak that came with unlimited side dishes (and yes, drinks and desserts came with it as well!). In fact, we liked it so much, we brought our moms back to enjoy it a few days after that!

For $40++/pax, I would think this is one of their most value-for-money to-date. You get one whole lobster drenched in sambal chili sauce, served with extremely fragrant & savory coconut rice, achar, fried chicken wing, ikan bilis & peanuts and hard-boiled egg! On top of that, you get unlimited servings of side dishes that comprises of beef rendang, chili prawns, otah etc. It's AMAZING!

Before I get too excited, let's go back to the beginning. You get served a welcome drink of either Air Limau (Iced lemon tea) or Gula Melaka Iced Tea. 

Before you start on your main course, whet your appetite with Oscar's popular Kueh Pie Tee. Served with their homemade signature sauce, you get a chockful of  braised turnips, steamed baby shrimps, fried shallots and sesame seeds all in one bite. It's my absolute favorite every time I go for their buffets! But make sure you keep space in your tummy because the star dish is coming right up!

The Lobster Nasi Lemak is wonderfully done. The lobster is huge and well-cooked with very firm and fresh meat. It matched so well with the coconut rice!

The unlimited side dishes are equally delicious. There're beef rendang, Muar otah otah, sotong chili sambal, bergedil, green beans with dried shrimp and white garlic sauce, signature home-made prawn chili and kerabu timun. You can keep ordering until your tummies burst! No kidding, we were so full by the time we finished one round of everything!

And the meal is never complete without desserts. You get served really awesome desserts here and that includes durian puff (with real puree!), Pandan Milo Tiramisu and potong ice-creams! I especially enjoyed the durian puffs since I am a big fan of durians, but the MILO tiramisu was so yummy too that I couldn't stop eating it. We couldn't have ended our meal in a better way. 

What impressed me throughout the meal was the wonderful hospitality from the service staff. They came by to our table to ask if everything was okay and if we needed more food and drinks. The chef came to meet us as well and asked if there was anything that needed improvement. The service level is impeccable - It was so before the Covid-19 situation and I would say their service has gone up another notch post-Covid! It was a really lovely dine-out experience for us after so many months of being cooped up at home, and we enjoyed ourselves so much!

Do take note that this offer is available only until 31st July.

Monday – Friday: Dinner (6:00pm – 10:00pm)

Saturday and Sunday : Lunch (12:00pm – 2:30pm) and Dinner  (6:00pm – 10:00pm)

For more information or to make your reservation please call 6432 7481/ 63 or email