Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Origin Superior Coolmax® Latex Pillow (Review & Giveaway!)

A good night's sleep is very important to me. When I don't get one, I feel angst and frustrated the next day, and you wouldn't want to get near to me. 

For me, there are some important factors that contribute to a good night's rest - Lighting (I need total darkness), Temperature (Air-conditioned, no fan) and a good pillow. While lighting and temperature are easily controlled and manipulated, a good pillow does not always come by easily. I've tried many different pillows over the years - Some worked; others didn't. This time round, I gave Origin Superior Coolmax Latex pillow a try, and it was GOOD!

I actually had my doubts when I first got it. It was sturdy and really soft to touch, but it was thinner than I thought. From past experience, thin pillows don't give that good a support t my neck and I tend to wake up with stiff necks (That really gets me into a bad mood!). But after sleeping on my new Origin latex pillow for a week, I'm a convert! The support must have been good because I didn't suffer from any stiff necks or backaches etc. All I had were good nights of rest that made me really happy.

Great Support & Retains Shape Well

Apparently, latex foam has a denser material as compared to memory foam or fibre. Because of that, it moulds to the shape of my head to give it the best support necessary. I had to throw many of my previous pillows away because they got totally out-of-shape! This Original Superior Coolmax latex pillow will be able to retain its shape for years to come! Plus, it gives my head just the right amount of support it needs. The good support also means I don't wake up with aches and pains everywhere! 


Latex materials are extremely durable with hypoallergenic properties that has lesser dust, bacteria or mould issues. Therefore, if you or your kids have any allergies, this pillow works for you! And that's why after the husband I tried the pillow for ourselves, we also got them for our kids! We want to give the best to our kids, don't we?

Tencel Fabric Removable Pillow Cover

I love it that every pillow came with a tencel fabric removable pillow cover. I still use another pillow case over it for double protection and hygiene, but it's great to know that I can wash the covers frequently to keep everything clean and hygenic. On top of that, the pillow cover is really super soft, hypoallergenic, lightweight and ideal for hot climates here in Singapore! 

Soft, Comfortable & Cool!

I guess the best feature of the pillow is that it's really soft and comfortable to lie on. And because the natural latex is infused with their cooling gel formula, it is absolutely cooling to lie on it, even for hours! It has enhanced my sleep experience, which just makes me a very happy girl. My kids love their new pillows too, and good sleep every night definitely helps boost their growing & developing brains, which is so important at this phase of their growth.

The Origin Superior Coolmax Latex Pillow is a product of Germany, measures 65cm x 40cm x 13cm, comes with a 7-Day free return (self-return to Origin’s warehouse) policy and covered by a 2 years' warranty. So, if you are also in search of a good pillow that retains its shape well and is hypoallergenic as well, check out their website now https://originmattress.com.sg/product/pillow/ cos' they are having a good promotion!

For recommendations on the best offerings in Singapore, do follow Best In Singapore !
Facebook .. Instagram .. WebsiteBest comfortable pillow you can find in Singapore.

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Thanks to the generosity of Origin Mattress, I have one Origin Superior Coolmax Latex Pillow (Worth $159) to give away! Participate via Rafflecopter to qualify! Closing Date: 5 Aug 2020, 2359hrs. All the best!