Friday, August 28, 2020

Unique Bouquet Ideas - Mini Liquor Bouquet (Review & Giveaway!)

 I am not a fan of liquors, but when Floral Garage approached me with this review, I was won over by how cute the bouquet looked! I love an unconventional and unique gift idea anytime and I can imagine the look of glee on my friends' faces if they receive a bouquet like this!

I love the selection of flowers in this bouquet that was sent to me - Matched perfectly with the mini liquor bottles, don't you think? Even if this is a bouquet sent to a guy, it doesn't look too feminine either. This is definitely a practical gift - flowers to look at and liquors to consume! =P

I was sent the Symposium Mini Liquor bouquet, which comes with 7 bottles of mini liquor (SGD 118.90) and there is a smaller bouquet with 5 bottles (SGD 98.80) you can opt for as well. The mini liquor bottles are so adorable that I think I'll keep them for decor instead of consuming them!

Love how harmonized the liquor bottles look among the flowers - Such a pleasing-looking bouquet!

Now, if liquor is not your thing, you will be happy to know that there are other types of interesting bouquets offered by Floral Garage as well, for example the following bouquet for the health-conscious:

So cute and colourful eh?!

There are plenty of choices online, so I am sure you will be able to find something suitable for your gift. :)

They also offer free same day delivery if you require that, so make your orders online now!


Thanks to Floral Garage, I have one Mini Liquor bouquet (Worth SGD 118.90) to give away to one reader of The J Babies, so if you are interested to participate, please follow instructions and join via Rafflecopter below. Do note that this giveaway will close on 1 Sep 2020. All the best!

a Rafflecopter giveaway