Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bento For Today

With a new versatile bento box, of course I had to use it today for Joey's lunch! =D

This is my new bento box!

Joey's meal today:

Steamed rice, bite-size sausages cooked in carrot soup base, sliced fishcake, chopped broccoli and diced apples.

This box is good if I am rushing for time, cos I just plopped each dish in its place without having to worry about decoration or layout of the contents. When Joey is eating, this can serve as a plate for her to eat directly from, rather than having the nursery helper feed her. It's alot more organised and so, less messy when she's feeding herself. The 2 larger compartments allows me to separate her meal into 2 portions so that she can have 2 meals in 1 single bento box. =)

When I have more time, I probably will think of better ways to decorate the bento contents. I already have some inspiration on-hand. =D

I am happy with this bento box!


  1. Hi ,where did u buy this lunch box? I love it!!!!

  2. Bought it from a value shop that sells everything for $2 each. :)
