Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This Is Torturous For Mummy Kless

I am sure all of you know by now how much I love taking photos, especially of Joey.

It really helped when I have such a smiley baby who loves to pose for me to take photos. But don't know since when, she is starting to NOT like taking photos anymore!

Nowadays, everytime I want to take photos of her, she would turn away, refuse to face me, and tell me in a very sian face, 'I don't want..'


This is the typical posture I get nowadays when I whip out my camera at her:


No matter how I coax her, she remains unmoved.

I must even use the tactic of calling her name to catch her attention, so that I can snap her immediately when she turns to me and , 'Huh?' Yeh I know how desperate I sound. By-passers probably think I am one psycho mother who forces her unwilling kid to take photos.

And so, I have already devised certain tactics to get her to comply when I need to take photos of her. One of the methods I use is to bribe her with food and drinks that she loves. (Sidetrack: She loves ice milk tea from MOS Burger! Great taste just like mummy!)

Success shot #1:

Success shot #2:

Another tactic I use is to tell her I am taking photos of her so that I can show Papa what she's doing. Heee... Always works.. Now that Gan Ma Serene is in China, I will sometimes tell her I need to take her photos to show Gan ma... Hahaha!

Success shot #3:

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