Thursday, September 18, 2008

Clean Up?!

I wonder if other mummies face the same problem as me, but I have difficulties getting Joey to clean up after she plays!

Sigh, it's so easy for her to pour out her entire basket of coloured balls and whole truckload of lego, but when it comes to clearing up the mess, she comes up with all kinds of excuses!!!!

It used to work when I start singing the 'Clean Up Clean Up' song from Barney & Friends. She would follow suit in picking up the balls and throwing them back to the basket. But now, all she does is

a) Pretend not to hear me calling her

b) Run away at top speed into the bedroom

Give up.

This morning she even tried a new tactic. The moment I asked her to clean up, she walked to her grandma, and told her in a very weak voice, "Nai Nai.... Joey tired....", then went on to do her act of 'about to fall asleep & collapse onto the floor anytime'. Oh my gosh, is my girl a born drama queen or what???!!!

You know she is pretending because in between she could not stifle her smiles and would sneak a peek at me while I unwillingly cleared the mess just so that we could quickly pack up & go out.

Give up.

After clearing up everything and I was packing the bag in the bedroom, she came to me with 2 coloured balls in her hands and told me in a very BOSSY voice - 'Mummy.. clean up la!'

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! 我的命好苦啊

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