Thursday, September 18, 2008

We just started on teaching Joey something interesting. :)

It started the other day when my MIL asked Joey, out of fun, who is Papa's mama, which she obviously didn't know. We then went on to explain to her that Papa's mama is Nai Nai, and she looked quite confused, probably wondering how did mama become nai nai. Hahaha..

But she slowly caught on and we taught her who's Papa's papa, Papa's mama, Mama's papa and Mama's mama. kekekeke... It's so amazing but she could actually answer correctly when we ask her!! Her memory is superb lor!

Then we thought, to complete the family chain, we also taught her who is Papa's brother and who is Mama's brother, and she could remember all!!!

I seriously dunno if she understands the relationships or she is just memorizing them for now. Nevertheless, it was really funny watching her think and ponder about the answer, and finally giving the correct answer! If you dunno, here are the answers:

Papa's Papa = Ye Ye

Papa's Mama = Nai Nai

Mama's Papa = Gong Gong

Mama's Mama = Po Po

Papa's Brother = Shu Shu

Mama's Brother = Jiu Jiu


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