Monday, January 05, 2009

Well Done, Joey!

I have never been prouder of Joey. :)

It was a great first day at school for her! She did extremely well, that even I was very surprised at how well she adapted!

Just a quick overview of what happened today:

Well, I didn't drop her and leave immediately according to my plan. Isaiah, my MIL and I stayed outside her classroom to watch her for morning assembly, breakfast and then leave for her outdoor play. When we bid her goodbye, she did not even whince once and just said bye to all of us. She was having too much fun painting the walls with water. =D

So we left for town for our breakfast and bought many many things for Joey.. a new bigger school bag, new toothbrush & paste, new shoes and socks, new hairband... hahaha.. it was truly a shopping spree day for Joey to commemorate her first day at school!

Halfway through our shopping, the childcare centre called and I nervously picked up the call only to realise that it was the teacher trying to find out where I had packed her extra clothes so that she can change into them after shower time. I quickly asked her how was Joey doing in school, and the teacher said she was doing very well... Ate and played with everyone and didn't cry at all! Hallelujah!!!

Near to lunchtime, just when we were about to settle for porridge buffet at Suntec, the childcare centre suddenly called again and this time, it was teary Joey on the other line, 'Mummy... come back... Mummy... come back...'.

It was naptime and while every kid slept, she refused to sleep and kept crying for me. I think she was just very exhausted and the tiredness got to her. Anyway, the teacher said she will try to put her to sleep, and I reassured Joey that I was going to be back to fetch her soon.

By the time I reached back at the centre, she was no longer crying, but still refused to sleep. I stayed with her for a while before leaving at 3pm again, cos the rest of the kids got up and it was time for biscuits and milo. She happily joined the rest and waved goodbye to me again. It all went very well till 530pm when we picked her up to go home. I think when the kids fell asleep, she was unable to sleep because of the unfamiliar bedding and she started to think and miss us. :)

Still, all in all, it went so well!! I was so amazed at her independence & adaptability! Praise God!

Time for the pictures!!!

The Nursery 1 Room...

Joey's pigeon hole

Her schedule for today

Breakfast time

But errr.. they only served every kid a small scoop of corn flakes and fresh milk.. How does anyone get full on such SMALL portions? Joey asked for 3 helpings. =P I think I will make her a sandwich in the car every morning in future...

Play time when I went back at 5plus to pick her up... Surprisingly, she even helped the teachers to tidy up and clear the toys. She doesn't even do that at home without reminders! And I caught her sharing a toy willingly with another kid! What a miracle!

And introducing my favorite boy in the class.. He looks so cute!!

Final wash-up at the toilet before going home.... Taking photos with her classmates outside the toilet while queueing up and waiting for the rest..

I think tomorrow morning is the real challenge. After today, I wonder if leaving her and saying bye bye tomorrow morning would be easy? :) Pray that she'll take her nap too.. otherwise, she'd be sound asleep by 6pm, just like today. Hahaha...

That's Joey's first day at school for you. =D Clap Clap Clap!

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