Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Moo Moo Year! (& the CNY Thief Scare!)

It's the Year of the Ox (mei-mei Jayne's year!) and jie-jie Joey had a lilac pink start on Day 1 of the New Year..

Lilac overall with lilac stockings and a lilac hairclip. Heee...

Not forgetting her new pink bag to keep all her ang pows in... and she's all ready to set off to Grandma's place at JB!

I actually would have lots of photos and things to talk about for our reunion lunch at JB, but something dramatic happened, so it didn't seem appropriate to whip out my camera all the time.

And the dramatic thing was...... My MIL and Joey were attacked by motorbike snatch thieves in JB!!!

Yeh, I know, how scary. Thank God they were not armed with parangs and did not attempt to take my daughter away! Isaiah and I were having breakfast at a nearby market, and grandma's place was just round the corner, so my MIL decided to walk over with Joey. Just when they turned into an alley, 2 Malays on motorbike stopped next to them and tried to snatch my MIL's handbag. My MIL held on tight to her handbag and Joey was left standing by herself at the side. She started whiling really loudly while my MIL was shouting & screaming for help. Thank God there was an Uncle in a car who stopped behind them and quickly got down to chase the thieves away! But what a big scare they got!!!! And the story became the highlight of the talk during reunion lunch. I was just glad that both of them escaped with barely some scratches and nothing else was lost. Thank you Jesus for protection!!

And so, that was our very adventurous Day 1 of CNY. Back at my aunt's place, Joey was back to her usual cheerful & hyper mode, though she would gladly tell the whole story of the snatch thieves to anyone who asked her.

Day 2 was a little more normal of a CNY holiday. =P We met my parents for reunion lunch at Jumbo Seafood at East Coast. The food was good!! And of course, there was my favorite lou hei!

Scallops with veggies

Steamed cod fish

Chili crabs

Hongkong noodles

Desserts longan almond jelly

It was really a nice feeling to be on East Coast beach on Day 2 of CNY. There were not many people strolling along the beach, though there were hundreds of tents set up on the other side. So many people were camping there! =D Looked like a mega campsite...

Then we went to walk walk at the nearby Parkway Parade, but majority of the shops were still closed! diaoz... ended up just taking photos of the moo moos outside the shopping mall... =D

Quite frankly, CNY is really just a very relaxing time for me and to spend time with my loved ones. Apart from that, it's actually quite boring because most shops & shopping malls are closed. I don't have many relatives in Singapore, so I don't have that many visitations to do. I can't imagine how boring it must be for non Chinese races. =P

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