Monday, May 18, 2009

The Confinement

One of the things I look forward to after the delivery is of course the CONFINEMENT month.

Many people think I am mad, because it meant one month of restriction and loss of freedom for them. No more shopping, no more going out to play, no more good sleep. But to me, it’s really not much of a torture because I love to stay at home. And definitely, the yummy confinement food is a big draw for me. Hehehehe…

I showed you the pretty ginger before. My mum-in-law has grinded the ginger into shreds and my dear hubby has fried them over low fire till they become super dry and flaky. He took 3-4 days just to fry the ginger! Hard work just for me.. :) Now they have been stored into small containers and kept in the fridge. When we need to cook the food, we just need to spoon in the ginger. Easy & good!


And these?


They are bottles of yellow rice wine which would be used to cook all my confinement dishes. Ladies on confinement cannot consume water, so  every dish has to be cooked in wine, and not water. Even when I am thirsty, I cannot drink water, and the only thing I can drink is red dates water. Basically, every morning, my mum in law will boil one big pot of water with lots of red dates, and I will just drink that the whole day. I am not sure why this is so, but I think it’s got to do with the fact that water gets retained in the tummy area and causes bloated-ness.

And these are packets of herbs which would be boiled in water for me to bathe in. It’s the first time I’m going to use this, because during my first confinement, I bathed everyday as per normal. Not that I am suffering any repercussions or side effects from all that, but to appease my mum, I shall just do that this time round. :) I hope I don’t smell too bad after every bath. =P



  1. Hi there!
    I'm a MTB myself and i'm wondering where to purchase the yellow rice wine in singapore? would appreciate if you could help me on this. Thanks!

  2. Hello! I wish I could help you on this, but from what I heard, there's no place that sells yellow wine in singapore, at least not good ones. I got mine from malaysia and they're homemade. I think such wine are mostly homemade and not really sold in retail outlets...
