Saturday, July 25, 2009

The 1st Question Has Come

I should have seen it coming. But, I really didn’t think it would be this soon. My Joey is still a baby, isn’t she? She still goes gaga over Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoons on Disney Channel, hums Barney songs and wears pretty much what I pick out for her to wear, doesn’t she?

It’s my fault. I ought to be more prepared for this. I had naively thought that I would handle everything with professionalism and great wisdom. After all, I supposedly should have gazillion tons more wit than my little baby girl, isn’t it? Is it?

The fateful day was Thursday, July 23, 2009. Yesterday.


Joey was in my bedroom when she saw me open up a SANITARY PAD (sorry boys, you might experience some discomfort reading this particular entry). As per her usual personality, she immediately asked, ‘Mummy, what’s that?’

I was stumped for a total of 3 seconds.

Of course, I would love to tell her that it’s a sanitary pad, and women need to use it because they go through menstruation every month which is basically the shedding of the uterine lining or endometrium, and it occurs on a regular basis in reproductive-age females of certain mammal species.

But of course, that was not what I said.

Amidst my stammering errr-s.. and ahhh-s, I managed to utter something which I thought was at her level of understanding. Ahem. ‘It’s for collecting something. Mummy needs to put it on the panty.’

Silence. She didn’t look one bit convinced. Silence.

“Collect what?”

My heart sank. Come on, I can’t possibly tell her it’s for collecting BLOOD right? That will scare the wits out of her and possibly smear her innocent childhood! She might never want to grow up!

“Errr… something dirty la…” (desperately thinking of something else to say to divert her attention away)

More silence.

Then all of a sudden, her eyes lit up with elated understanding of Mummy’s parables and she blurted, “Oh I know, it’s a DIAPER! Right?” then proceeded to stare at me with the most beautiful innocent round eyes in this whole world.

I just said yes as softly as possible (totally un-intelligent, I admit) and quickly changed our topic to what she ate in school for lunch yesterday.

See. I totally ruined it.

Oh my gosh, my girl is slowly morphing into a young lady day by day and soon enough, she’ll be ushered into the world of stomach cramps & PMS! *breaks out in nervous laugh*

I am so not looking forward to the day when she will ask me where she came from and how did daddy & mummy make Baby Jayne go into mummy’s tummy.


  1. u know, i never did learn any of these things from my parents.


  2. i also never learn that from my parents... i think all my mother said was "this is dirty"!!!

    haha... i think u probably can start brain storming what to say next time when she ask again!

  3. hahahhaa..... i like her diaper comment!!!
