Friday, July 24, 2009

My 2 Awesome Girls

When I look at Joey these days, I always feel a sense of pride within me.

Before Baby Jayne came along, Joey was the only precious gem and darling in the house and everyone’s attention is solely showered upon her. She gets all the presents, all the kisses & hugs, and all the praises for being such a good girl who says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.

I think we spoil her at times.

Now with a little sister in the picture to share all the good things in life with her, Joey has been taking it in a very good spirit, I must say. Apart from occasional fights for attention, Joey has shown herself to be a very understanding and sensible big sister.

In the mornings, she wants to kiss Baby Jayne goodbye before going to school. In the evenings, Baby Jayne is the first person she looks for when she steps into the house. She showers her with generous head-patting (a little too rough at times no doubt) and kisses on the forehead. She calls her name lovingly and tries to calm her down when she is crying. She waves noisy-rattling toys infront of her when she starts fussing. When we are all in the living room and she hears Baby Jayne cry from the bedroom, she would say, ‘No one is with Yixin (Jayne’s chinese name), we should go and accompany her.’ Joey is like the dream big sister I never had.

Baby Jayne, on the other hand, has a special love for her big sister. Out of nowhere, she will suddenly break into a big grin when she hears her Jie Jie talk in the background. She loves to hear her voice and would smile readily at her anytime. I would swear there must be something going on between the two of them (except I’m not supposed to swear, sorry).

When I needed to attend to Baby Jayne first, Joey would retreat and play on her own until I’m freed up again. I adore her for her understanding and for being a caring big sister.

Joey is only slightly over three years old, yet she is able to take on this huge lifelong responsibility as a big sister with such gusto and joy. The thought of it makes me squirm with ‘awwww-s’ inside of me every time I observe the tenderness between the two sisters. I seriously can’t wait for them to grow up together, go shopping, go watch movies, go for manicures and go for double dates together! That would be so awesome!

By then, I can go travel around the world with Mr Kuan and leave the 2 girls at home to take care of themselves. :)

1 comment :

  1. joey is also like the jiejie i never had!!

    *breaks into tears*
