Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Adorable Baby Stage

Baby Jayne is 2 months & 1 week old now.


She’s a  real darling to be with because she loves to smile, coo and make funny noises when we talk to her. Such a communicative baby that it’s hard not to adore her.

I am loving this baby stage. I can just hold her & look into her eyes all day long. She’d stare back and I can see so much emotions going on her little oval face. I can almost foresee that she’ll be a real talkative communicative baby when she starts to talk. Already now without the ability to use words, she can ‘say’ so much with just sounds & noises.

Yet on the other hand, I am wishing that she’ll quickly grow up, walk & talk and I can bring my girls for fun outdoor plays or some interesting excursions. It would be so much fun seeing my two girls walk hand in hand, play & laugh together, & soaking up life in its fullest.

Before that happens, I guess I’ll just enjoy cuddling my chubby baby girl & appreciating her toothless grins. :)

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