Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Exhausted Mama

I am not sure what is wrong with Baby Jayne but I am pretty sure she’s not feeling well somewhere.

All of a sudden, instead of appreciating her coo-coo cuteness, I desperately wished she can talk to me like Joey can, so that I know what is causing her discomfort.

For 3 days, she would burst into tears the moment I insert the milk bottle teat into her mouth. It takes at least 5 minutes of constant loud wailing before she would finally settle down & suck. Every feed time felt like battle.

I can only guess that maybe she has ulcers on her gums, or throat, which makes drinking very painful for her, and therefore she resists the bottle. BUT, the bewildering thing is that she can drink water from the bottle with no problems at all! I next guessed it could be the temperature which caused the disparity, so I tried to make her milk cooler. She still went through the screaming rut before willing to drink. Tried to check her gums and the inside of her mouth, but I couldn’t find any whitish spots (ulcers), so I guess maybe not.

I even went to the extreme of guessing that perhaps Baby Jayne is starting her teething, which is just very ridiculous. Hello, she’s only a two-month-old! What does she need teeth for now?!!!

As if fighting against her main source of nutrients is not enough, she fights sleep during the day now! For 2 days in a row, she refused to sleep during the day. Before that, she had been on a daily routine of drink, sleep, drink, sleep throughout the day & night, with hardly any waking moments. The weird thing is that instead of being grouchy & whiney due to lack of sleep, she would coo, smile and play with us when we carry her. She just refuse to be lying down on the bed. The moment we do that, she starts fussing immediately. What a temper she’s got! But seriously, it’s worrying me because babies supposedly grow only when they sleep!

A desperate me googled to find out why babies don’t sleep during the day, and realised that there are many women out there with the same problem as well. All of a sudden, their babies refused to sleep during the day! I did feel slightly better knowing I am not alone, but still?

Tomorrow I’m bringing Jayne to see Dr YY Yip. Hopefully, he can offer a much better explanation than my wild guesses.

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