Thursday, July 23, 2009

Paid for A 安心

Brought Baby Jayne to Gleneagles this morning to see Dr Yip to find out if there’s any problems with her gums or throat that is causing her to resist the milk bottle.

Dr Yip opened her mouth and shone a torchlight in to check for ulcers, and he could not find any at all. Not on her gums, nor her throat. So it’s fine, no problems at all.

He listened to her stomach and also said there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her.

He said that some babies reject the milk bottle at the 6-7 week mark because they are slowing down in their growth. It’s kinda like a milestone they hit in their growing spurt after birth, so rejecting the bottle is a normal and common thing. I just need to drag the feeding time so that when she gets the milk, she’s really hungry and will not put up a fight. It supposedly should go away at most after a few weeks.

Dr Yip also commented that she’s growing very well. She’s weighing 5.2kg now, and her milk consumption volume is very good. :)

When I asked him why Baby Jayne suddenly doesn’t nap during the day, he also said it’s very normal! He even commented, ‘You should be glad she is active in the day and sleeps during the night.’ That’s true huh. She has been sleeping 5-hour blocks during the night. Fingers crossed, she’ll sleep through the night very soon!

OK, at least I feel more at ease now, knowing that she’s doing good and no illness whatsoever!

Guess what Baby Jayne was doing throughout the examination? She was just smiling from ear to ear at Dr Yip, as if he was a long lost friend! She did not flitch when the cold stethoscope was pressed on her warm body. She did not resist even when Dr Yip used a wooden ice cream stick to pry open her mouth and went in as deep as the entrance of her throat! I am beginning to think that children doctors have some kind of special powers that make kids adore them!

Oh wait. I suddenly remembered what happened when I brought Joey to see Dr Yip some time back. She kicked him! Read about it here.

Going by my habit, I have to end this post with some awesome photos!


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