Thursday, July 23, 2009

Out Comes The Sarong Again

As part of my desperate measures to get Baby Jayne to nap during the day, I’ve taken out the sarong rocker again. Joey has had many sweet dreams in the sarong rocker, and it has proven itself to be a great stimulant for inducing sleep. I don’t even have to rock her, and she would fall asleep by herself.

I wish I could say the same for Baby Jayne.



Yep, the photos said it all. She would stay wide awake in the sarong and still not sleep, despite me rocking it like crazy! Sometimes, she can see the light shining through the little holes in the sarong and she would smile happily at them. Urghhhhh! This is not the time to act cute, baby!

I just put her into the sarong again. I pray that today will be a better day.

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