Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hi Everyone, My Name Is Jayne & I Am A Whiner

Now at 8 months plus, Baby Jayne does the following 3 things BEST. I call it the 3Cs:

1) Chew

2) Crawl

3) Complain

I am convinced that my good parenting days are over. Baby Jayne has put her demure and sweet nature behind her, and embarked on a brand new lifestyle of whining and cannot-keep-still. She complains the very second things don’t go the way she wants or when she doesn’t get what she asks for, like immediately.

She gets more and more mobile as she picks up more motor skills along the way, and I’m sure it’s all too exciting for her. But for me? Not good at all.

For one, she can’t stay too long in a cot or a holding area. Not a tinge of patience can be found in her right now. She needs to get out, no matter what. She needs to get back to the floor to crawl. Needs to.


She puts anything and everything into her mouth, and I can only close one eye sometimes because if I really want to fret over the amount of germs and bacteria she’s swallowing, I might go crazy. I have a relative who religiously cleans every single thing her baby grabs with a dettol anti-bacteria gel, as she follows her baby around. If I do that, I will go crazy too. Can’t win either way.


I had naively thought that perhaps Baby Jayne would have a different personality from Joey. While Joey is active, smart & bubbly, Baby Jayne might turn out to be a demure, quiet and gentle girl who loves reading more than anything else.


All-too-obvious tell-tale signs warn me that she’s heading exactly the same direction as Joey. She’s gonna be the bubbly, cheery and optimistic sort.


In fact, Baby Jayne could very well turn out to be even more hyperactive than her elder sister. Unbelievable, I know. *Stop throwing me those I-pity-you looks!!!*


But experts say that children must and should be active because that’s how they learn and pick up knowledge. I might be raising one or two scientist graduates from Harvard, you know? Then 20 years down the road, I would look back and reminisce on these times I painstakingly endured everything just to raise up 2 geniuses.



It used to be that Baby Jayne has no problems sitting on my lap and just stare into thin air. Those days were long gone that I almost forgot they existed in the first place. Now, the moment I try to sit her on my lap, she gets right into her ‘I-need-to-stand-up-and-jump-now’ mode. Nothing can stop her. If I try to, she just whines and screams as loud as she knows how. It’s a real pain in the ass concern.

Whining has become her newfound hobby, no doubt. She does it so well and oh-too-often.


Thank God she is a girl and I know very well that God has given girls the special privilege to whine. I know that too well :) And so, I am not going to hold it against her.


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