Friday, February 12, 2010

She Loves Pink

Great taste Joey’s got, I say. =)

Just like mama. Great minds think alike.

I have always been a pink-lover, and I truthfully had no intention, or have done anything to that effect in any way, influence my kids to like pink as well. Honestly.

After all, color preference is really a personal preference, and it actually changes with time. I know that’s true because my favorite used to be GREEN when I was in Primary School. Somebody told me before that green represents peace, and that I obviously craved for more peace when I was a little girl. =P

In any case, as I grew up, I found myself in a plight where I could not resist the girly colour, pink. It was not something I was ashamed of, obviously. In fact, I think all girls should like pink. Pink, pink, pink. It’s a perfect color, if you ask me.

But it turned out this way. Joey loves PINK, which is just awesome. She didn’t like pink right from the beginning, but she does now. And it’s been like that for quite a while. Every time we need to buy something, she will instruct, ‘Can you buy a pink one for me, please? It’s my favorite color. ’

Just look her favorite pink stuffs at home..

Pink pencil case


Pink water bottle.. (There are 3-4 pink water bottles at home..)


Pink bicycle IMG_6002

Pink school bag


Pink drawers


Pink treasure box


Pink shoes for the New Year! 


Pink butterfly ring…. gift from one of the jie jie in the cell group..


Wanna buy a present that will be a sure-hit with her?

Just make sure it’s PINK. =)

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