Monday, February 01, 2010

Maternity Clothes FOR RENT!


You know what is one common worry of pregnant ladies?

What to wear during the pregnancy???

Pregnant ladies need to feel good about themselves all the time, and having a bump and bloated-ness caused by water retention often limits our clothes choices. And it does not help that most maternity wear are expensive (considering they can only be worn for a maximum of 9 months). It’s really hard to find clothes that are both pretty & comfortable at the same time.

That is why when I got to know about Maternity Exchange, I was pleasantly surprised to find that they offer nice & versatile maternity wear for rental!

I thought that was a really great idea because we really do need those clothes only for a period of time. Trust me, after going everywhere in those clothes for 10 months, you just want to chuck them all away when the baby comes out. Renting them will save money and you chuck them right back to the store after you need them no more! Plus, you can opt for different pieces just to spice up your otherwise limited maternity wardrobe. A new look everyday – How nice!

Maternity Exchange is the first maternity rental store in Singapore that carries luxe international and local labels like Japanese Weekend, Maternal America, Seraphine, Ripe, Mothers En Vogue and Dote. And because you rent instead of buy them, you don’t have to pay exorbitant prices for them.

Look how pretty these maternity wear are!

For daily wear…

maternalam1japweekend6julietdream9 ser1

For special functions..


For I-need-to-feel-pretty days…

tiffany1 tiffany2 

 ser4 ser6 

I personally think that denim jeans are must-haves during pregnancy because it makes the woman look more trendy and hip. Maternity Exchange has many different denim jeans. You’ll be spoilt for choice! (Even if you are not pregnant, these jeans with elastic waistbands are too comfy to give it a miss!)

den3 den1 den2  den4

Besides carrying gorgeous maternity wear, Maternity Exchange also carries nursing wear, swim wear and lingerie. It is a store that meets all the needs of a pregnant lady and a new mother. :)

Lovely nursing wear!

 envoguen1 envoguen7

Swim wear…

prego3 prego14prego5 prego10

A piece of good news for those of you wondering what to do with the maternity clothes you no longer need after giving birth. Maternity Exchange has recently started a new program known as ‘MX Buy My Love Program’. In this program, they will offer attractive prices for pre-loved smart casual, work or occasion maternity pieces from mid-tier and high-end imported brands such as Japanese Weekend, Maternal America, Olian Maternity, Seraphine and Tiffany Rose. Depending on the brand, style and condition of each individual piece, MX pays from $15 to $70 a piece. What a great way to dispose off unwanted maternity wear, especially when most of them are still so new!

If you are simply too lazy to step out of the house, you can now shop online in the comfort of your own bedroom! They are even offering special Chinese New Year special packages right now. Visit Maternity Exchange today! =D


  1. Wow. Nice Pictures

    My wife used maternity exchange when she was pregnant as well!

    Great store and Great concept!

  2. What a great idea...renting maternity clothes. This would have made my pregnant life so much easier.
