Monday, February 01, 2010

Her Love-Hate Relationship With A Pacifier

Baby Jayne has a love-hate relationship with her pacifier.

24Jan 002

It’s harder for her to fall asleep without one, but she actually doesn’t really like sucking on a pacifier. I know that because she would often use her tongue to push the pacifier out. I think I can understand why – I don’t really think it’s that comfortable having something stuck in your mouth all the time.

24Jan 003

Now that she is capable of holding on to things, she would pull her pacifier out and swing and swirl it around before dropping it. It drives mummy nuts sometimes because dropping it makes it dirty, and I have to find a way to clean it before I can let her use again. It’s not that convenient because it happens most frequently in the car.

24Jan 004

Because she is teething, the pacifier also doubles up as her teether. She pulls it out, and chew on the hard plastic part.

24Jan 009

But you know, she is such a cheeky girl. She would out her pacifier, chew on it a little, then fling it until it flies to a faraway spot. =.=

24Jan 012

So you can imagine how frustrating it gets when I’m trying to make her sleep by pushing the pacifier into her mouth firmly, but she pulls it out for the 10th time. Like it’s some kind of game.

 24Jan 007

I weaned Joey off pacifier when she turned 1 year old. I think I will try to do so for Baby Jayne as well. Judging by how it’s going now, I think it might not be too difficult. =)

24Jan 011


  1. I used a pacifier clip (from the Piyo Piyo range, bought from Kiddy Palace) for my son when he was a baby. It really helps to keep the pacifier off the ground. Its much easier coz he's not able to able to swing it to some 'faraway land'. Clip it to your girl's top, it's that easy! I bought a plastic one so that it's easier to wash when needed. Good luck!

  2. i stumbled upon your blog while I was searching for mommy blogs in singapore.

    how did you wean your babies from the pacifier? i also plan to wean my baby boy when he turns one. he is 7 mos old now. we will be relocating to singapore in a few months time. hubby got a job there.

  3. Hey Georgina!

    What I did for my 1st daughter was to prep talk her about the weaning off for about a week before I brought her to the dustbin and showed her that I threw the pacifier into the bin. Secretly, I picked it up, sterilized it and kept it safely, JUST IN CASE she cried for it later. =P Thankfully, she was very okay with the whole thing.. :) All the best to your weaning!!
